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Sep 12, 2009
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my first three kits are well underway. Left -final racking a week ago, Center -second rack two days ago, Right - first rack tonight

I thought it was cool to see them in different stages

That looks quite dramatic Rick. I would rack the one you say has had the final racking at least one more time. There is quite the layer of sediment in that one. If you try to bottle with that in there, you will stir some up and it will end up dropping out in the bottles. Rack it again and make sure the sulfite levels are up before bottling.
appleman said:
That looks quite dramatic Rick. I would rack the one you say has had the final racking at least one more time. There is quite the layer of sediment in that one. If you try to bottle with that in there, you will stir some up and it will end up dropping out in the bottles. Rack it again and make sure the sulfite levels are up before bottling.

Ok, help me out ... I plan on one more racking and filtering before bottling ... how do I check the sulfite level ... first timer ... following the kit directions, and that's all I know
ok, Wade ... do I need to test this in a kit? None of my kits recommend this. Hell I don't even know what they are ... am I looking to see if they are too high ... or too low?

I want my kits to turn out great ...
You should use this in any wine if you plan on bulk aging. You can wing it and jst add some every 3 months.
wade said:
You should use this in any wine if you plan on bulk aging. You can wing it and jst add some every 3 months.

Thanks for moving it.

No, I want to learn and not wing it ... I found some articles on it and will do some more reasearch. Thanks a ton for your help.

Heck ... I just figured out I got some
... Potassium metabisulfite
That is a good article which I have read before but always good to refresh the brain.