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Dec 7, 2010
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Looking for some input on adding Glycerine to red wine at bottling.

Do's and Don'ts


Be careful adding it as although it adds mouthfeel it can also add a sweetness to it.
Wade is right. But start with 4-5oz, mix well w/ UR degasser. 5-10oz will not make much of a difference in gravity thou. I use it to take the "edge" (bite) off at bottling.
So let me jump in here and see if I understand this. If I use glycerine right before I bottle 5-10 oz it will take the edge off the new wine and add mouthfeel longterm without sweetening it?
I have to jump in and ask as well. I have a pouch of glycerine and it states to add the contents to a 23 liter carboy of wine. The pouch is 30 ml, which is about 45 grams or 1.5 oz. and this seems small compared to what you are suggesting to use. So 4-5 oz or 5-10 oz is the norm for adding to 6 US gal?
I have not used any yet, but am making a sort of a port and was going to add some but now I'm unsure how much to add.
I would start with 4oz. That is what I do "when needed". I doubt you will see (taste) any sweeteness difference after adding 4oz