Acid level in Welch's

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Oct 12, 2009
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I am getting ready to start a Welch's White Grape and Raspberry batch. What should I shoot for as a good starting acid level?
I have two welchs essential batches going, I.was not sure of the bottle welchs white grape because one of them has potassium sorbate in it so I.did not buy it. Did you do the frozen concentrate or bottle, and how did it turn out?
..... sigh ........

It's ok JohnT, just keep thinking about what a great vacation you had last week :try

slopenutz, check the acid as it is, it might be enough. .65% is a good number for the white grape, raspberry.

And don't pay any attention to JohnT, he is just wishing for the strength to make a Welch's wine.
By all means, please ignore my last comment. It is just part of a long running joke.

I agree with Julie. the ranges I normally go for are from .60 to .70 for reds and .65 to .75 for most whites.

.65 should be good for both red and whites.
LOL, JohnT you are such a good sport, I think Runningwolf are they only two who know the whole complete story behind your Welch's obsession. :tz
LOL, JohnT you are such a good sport, I think Runningwolf are they only two who know the whole complete story behind your Welch's obsession. :tz

I am just glad you didn't send me to the corner over that comment. I am still hungover from the last time!
I need to clean out that corner!!!!!!

It's about time. You can hardly move around over there. I caught running wolf setting up his own bowling alley with the empty wine bottles and I am making a bean bag chair out of all of the spent corks!