ABV estimate?

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Senior Member
Jul 22, 2008
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I am having trouble figuring out how to estimate the alcohol level on my "brandywine". I started with SG 1.090 and then added 6 lbs of chopped raisins.
Current SG is 1.014. Without the raisins that would be 10 %, but the yeast took nearly a week in the primary eating raisins before the SG dropped noticeably. (I racked it off the raisins at SG 1.040.) I found in a book that 5 lbs of raisins is equal to 3 lbs of sugar, but I get lost in the fractions.
It tastes like it will be KILLER when it isn't so green. If I can, I may add a little more yeast nutrient to bring the sugar down just a bit. But as of now, it does actually taste a lot like brandy.

Thanks for help with the numbers.
math is the only talent i have left.accepting your raisin to sugar ratio 58 oz of sugar is available.On a 5 gal batch it's just shy of 3/4 lb per gal.. good luck.
2 lbs baking potatoes, matchstick cut and cooked, then incubated at 160 degrees with Amylaise to prevent starch haze
sugar to sg 1.090
6 lbs raisins chopped added last after all numbers adjusted
juice and zest of three oranges
zest and juice of 5 lemons
1/2 tsp acid blend to adjust the acid level
pectinaise and yeast nutrient,
EC 1118 yeast
after racking at 1 month in carboy, I added a TBSP of med toast french oak and more yeast nutrient .

We will see. If my estimates are right, the alcohol is roughly between 16 and 17 percent. I just started the battonage.

The original recipe used a lot more potatoes, and cracked wheat, simmered and strained out. I burned that batch, and it looked like a waste and starch haze problem to me so I modified. It is still an experiment in progress, so I want to hear what you did, and how it turned out if you try something of the sort.
I forgot to add that this is a three gallon batch. Susan, if you try it, I want to hear how it goes.