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Was that a refractometer as Ive heard those are noy accurate when there is any bit of sweetness left!
wade said:
Was that a refractometer as Ive heard those are noy accurate when there is any bit of sweetness left!

Wade,I dont know what it was called but it was glass and u put about a half ounce of the wine in the cup let about three drops drip out of the bottom then turn over spilling out the wine in a cup (to drink later lol) and the watch the bubble slide down until it stopped and it was at those numbersI told u in the last post.. so is that a refractometer??
I think so and like I said Ive heard if the wine is not bone dry it is
not accurate but others will jump in hopefully and back me up or
disprove this as its just what I heard on another forum quite awhile
Trig, what you described is like the Vinometer that I have.

I have not had a problem with getting a close reading on any wines, if you follow directions. If it's a sweet wine or a red (dark) wine, just cut 50/50 wih water, then test, multiply results by 2.

I use mine when I think I have taste tested to much and perhaps forgot to write something down, or take a reading at all, again, it's close.
Trigham said:
Ok ok update, I had a neighbor come over with his alcohol tester, the concordes are 13.7 and the mixed berries are only just below the 9 level.

He told me I should rack off the sediment in the mixed berries and allow them to sit. same same right. how doI get the alcohol level up or is it ok like that or will it rise on its own during its racking period?

the concordes were still a little bitter tasting he said and needed another racking and again use about half a pint of concentrate with a half cup of sugar and half cup of warm water. I did this about 6 weeks ago already, so my question is shouldI do it again or just let it set???

Ihad to bump this to keep the questions alive..thanks
No it is not a refractometer, it is a vinometer. I would leave the Concord alone. It will come around in a few months to a year. The fruit wine is a little low with alcohol. Just finish it out and hopefully enjoy it within a year or so.

Use these batches as a lesson. It is very important to use a hydrometer to check the initial SG of the juice before beginning the batch, no matter what it is. You can adjust the SG up to the desired alcohol content in the beginning and it is harder to change later. Good accurate record keeping is just as important. Keep the records safe and dry.

Don't get discouraged if any of these don't turn out perfect. It is all a learning process. Learn from your mistakes and the next batches come easier.
Thank you appleman, strait and to the point..I will let them sit as long as it takes. The mixed berries will need to be racked off their sediment tonight though and then I will let them sit as long as it takes. thanks again for your help everyone!!
I've never used a refractometer, sounds really interesting... I usually check the alcohol level by drinking a bottle very quickly. If I can not do my son's 4th grade math it's about 12%......If my gums feel numb it's between 13-14%........
I have a vinometer and am wondering as to it's accuracy. I do the before and after SG then do the multiplication to get final alchol content. I started doing the vinometer as well since I forgot to take initial SG on a batch and I was unable to take the initial SG on a second apple batch due to all the pulp...arghhh.
But on the batches where I did the intial and end SG then tested with vinometer, the numbers were SIGNIFICANTLY different. On a kit where it was supposed to be 4-6%, the SG method ended up at like 6.5% and the vinometer said 10%. Then tested another kit and math put it at 11% but the vinometer said 15%, which is more accurate?


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