A little dog story...

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Chronologically Gifted Member
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Jan 29, 2011
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Central Ohio
I don't know how I went so long without having dogs! They are so entertaining and lovable and such great company. We have two miniature Poodles, Luigi or Louie, who is older by 3 years, and Carlo. In the picture below, Louie is the Apricot and Carlo is the Grey. Louie is more friendly, laid back, will eat anything that does not eat him first and he has two speeds, slow and slower. Carlo, on the other hand is still friendly but "yappy" and always has to be first. I would like to relate a story about the two that you may find amusing.

We give them a peanut butter and parsley treat that they love. Louie scarfs his down immediately but Carlo will play with his, particularly in front of Louie after Louie has finished his treat, apparently to torment him. If Louie makes a move for the treat, Carlo will snarl at him and Louie retreats. When our pups have to "use the outdoor facilities," they go to the back door and stand there looking at us to open the door. Well, I guess the torment had finally gotten to Louie so he figured a way to get Carlo's treat. This has occurred on at least three occasions in the past two weeks and we are so amused. Louie will go to the back door and stand waiting for someone to open it. When we do, Carlo, who always has to be first, flies out ahead of Louie. Louie does a "head fake" and turns around and goes straight for Carlo's now abandoned treat. Carlo, who is smart, but does not remember well, knows immediately that he has been had, but it is too late. He scratches on the door and runs back in, just as Louie is licking the last crumbs off of his chops.

I know that the prevailing scientific opinion is that animals cannot reason. I heartily disagree because I have seen too many instances of it. I am not saying that Louie and Carlo could solve a third order differential equation, but they sure can set a plan in place.

Oh Rocky, I sooo enjoyed your story. I remember when you got these two lovelies and I am very happy that you are enjoying them. The same thing happens in our home. Bailey, the Boston Terrier/Beagle mix, called a Boglen Terrier is just a conniving! Jesse, she is mine baby, bounces off the wall. When Bailey has had enough of Jesse, she goes to the back door and when I leave her out Jesse who has to be the first one out the door will run past her. LOL, Bailey takes two to three steps and then turns around and comes back in! And takes whatever Jesse was chewing on at the time.
Dog are awesome! Someday I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am. One can dream right ;-)
I could not agree more rocky! It amazes me how my dog, duke (and English cocker spaniel) has me trained.

Duke knows that we always let him outside so that we can fill his supper bowl unmolested. Now, when he is hungry and amazingly at the appropriate dinner hour, duke will scratch at the door to be let out, then immediately scratches at the door to be let back in. It is his way of getting me off my A$$ and feed him..

Sure the can reason. It is amazing how crafty dogs can be!

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