A few questions for a newbie

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Dec 28, 2013
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I started making my first batch of wine in late December.

Things have been going pretty well so far. My wine fermented nicely in the 6 gallon container and it has been racked into the carboy. It has been there a few days so I degassed it today.

One item of note: I cleaned my equip with c-brite. I let it all sit in the c-brite for a bit (couple hours) then rinsed and let it dry. I noticed that my degassing wand smelled a bit chlorine-y so I rinsed and rinsed and rinsed and scrubbed and scrubbed. Still smells a bit chlorine-y. I degassed anyhow. Any worries?

Now, on to my real question.

When I took out the bung it had some "green" on it. I assume this is because a few days ago I had to refill my airlock thingy and apparently it was kind of stuck because when I removed it the wine popped a bit and shot some wine out and then it leaked for a little bit, bubbles galore.

Anyhow, I didn't think to take it out and resanitize I just waited until the thing stopped making a mess and put the refilled airlock back in. That was about 3 or so days ago.

So, today I take it out and it has a bit of green on it. Is this an issue?

I washed it off and then got some star san and soaked it in a bit of the solution for about 10 min then rinsed and dried it before putting it back in; I also wiped down the inside of the carboy neck with a clean towel to get whatever else may have been there. The must still smells fine but I am curious if I may have caused a problem by not cleaning it earlier.

Oh, and one more question. What is the best solution to put in the airlock? The instructions say "sulfite solution". I have c-brite and star san. Either of those good?
I would recommend using k-meta solution in your airlock. I know that some use vodka or grain alcohol as well.

I would recommend that you get some k-meta. This is an additive to wine that helps protect it against bacteria.
I agree with what JohnT has said and to add to a that about your chlorine-y smell, is there chlorine in your water supply?
The k-meta just goes in the wine?
Yep, you add it when the ferment is done. Also approx. every 3 months afterwards and or when you rack. K-meta and campden tablets are the same thing, k-meta comes as a powder and is easier to use. A lot of folks use a k-meta solution in their airlocks, I think they use about 3 tbs per gallon of water. Also use this in a spray bottle to spritz your tools to sanatize them. Arne.
As for the first question about the c-brite; Don't use the c-brite to clean your wine equipment with- it contains chlorine which can lead to cork taint or TCA. Use B-brite instead as it does not contain the chlorine. C-brite used to be recommended to sterilize with, but most places have stopped recommending that product for that purpose. Even unchlorinated oxyclean is a better choice.
Why K-Meta in your airlock? I always just use water.
I use k-meta in my locks. The idea is that any air that might be drawn into the carboy will pass through the k-meta solution and be charged with SO2 to help fight against any bacteria.
Good advice. I will switch to k-meta and I already switched away from c-brite. No more chloriney smell for me.