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Nov 12, 2005
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Let's all take a few moments out of our busy lives to remember all those who perished and sacrificed themselves selflessly on that fatefull day five years ago.
May we never forget...
i heard today on an all-news channel that 30% of people polled could notname the year that 9-11 took place.
I pray we never forget the events that transpired on this day in 2001.That we will be diligent to tell future generations of the courage and sacrifice that the men and women who faced these challenges weilded.That freedom comes with a price.That what our enemy has meant for evil, God can turn it into our good.
May we never forget...
Being in the Military, I remember all too well the termoil this incident caused. I only pray that people realize that we are still at war with the same kind of people that would love to see all Americans dead!

Please remember my comrades in arms that are fighting our fight overseas! They need our support and prayers.
And ours too! Us Canadians have a full load of troops fighting the Taliban as we speak. I just hope that all of them can come home the Heros that they are! All troops from all the great nations, do this so we can have what we have today!

RIP to all those who have gone before us in the cause. Condolences and peace to all the families who have endured loss over the cause.
Our prayers are daily for our men and women in service to our Countries as well as our leaders...Here is a poem I wrote 3 months after this horriffic event. I can remeber the day of the attack just like it was yesterday..the anger I felt, the sorrow for those who paid the ultimate price .
Edited by: Waldo
Thanks Waldo,

I think you captured very well all the different feelings and emotions we all felt and still feel today. It doesn't seem like 5 years have passed, but praise be to God that we have not had another attack.


When times have been tough and Americaneeded help, our brothers to the North have been there for us. I appreciate Canada and the sacrifice their men and women are making as well, for it's not America that is being attacked, it's democracy and freedom. All free nations should realize this and stand together in this cause (soft patriotic music in the background). As Tiny Tim stated in the Charles Dickens classic, "God Bless Us, Everyone!"
I graciously step down from my soap box!
9/11 was a hard day for me this week as I'm sure it was for everyone. It was very hard to be at work. The real-time news casts of that day were being played and it felt like the vivid horror all over again. There is barely a day that goes by that I don't remember and wonder how such hatred can exists in a human heart.


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