50 gallon batch of dragon blood.

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i just happen to find a 75 gallon stainless barrel cheap, and the same place had two 25 gallon conical fermenters....i bought all of it.
in honor of dragon dave, my first wine will be a 50 gallon batch of dragon blood. just send my helper to buy all the fruit and sugar at samsclub. bought a 1 1/2 transfer pump, to move it all from one to the other.
thanks dragondave....you are not just an inspiration for wine making, you have reached icon status...

Great Scott!

That is a LOT of dragons blood!
well i couldnt concetrate on my other wines becuase everyone wants the dang drgon blood...figured might as well make enough to last.
i know...if theres no pic it aint happening...my camera is shot on my phone, my sis, just got a mini ipad..she said she would take some of it.

thanks dragondave....you are not just an inspiration for wine making, you have reached icon status...

I am humbled by your enthusiasm, and inspired by your innovation, James!

If I had the tank to make 250 bottles at a time, I would. My "big fermenter" is my 32 gallon food-grade trash can. I make 18 gallon DB batches in there.

They don't stay around long either...:po
dangerdave said:
I am humbled by your enthusiasm, and inspired by your innovation, James!

If I had the tank to make 250 bottles at a time, I would. My "big fermenter" is my 32 gallon food-grade trash can. I make 18 gallon DB batches in there.

They don't stay around long either...:po

If I may ask, where did you get a 32 gallon food grade container? Is that what they sell as trash cans at Home Depot or Lowes?
Dave I actually went to used restaraunt supply place looking for 5 deep dish stainless baking pans, to put boiled shrimp in, for a party. I asked the owner of the place if he had any large glass bottles. He said no, and asked me what i was going to do with them...when i told him i make my own wine, he said he has some fermenters, and a large tank. So i got the tank and the two fermenters for 400. After getting the home, I figured, wtf....make some dragon blood...lol
In VA you can only give 1 liter or bottle a year to any 1 individual. Matters not to me just be careful.
Where are the pictures damnit? :) I want to see this setup.
Thanks, I just got one and I'm making a double batch. That makes it so much easier, also it allows you to work with a lot more fruit. Why didn't I do this a few years ago.
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