50 gallon batch of dragon blood.

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Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
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i just happen to find a 75 gallon stainless barrel cheap, and the same place had two 25 gallon conical fermenters....i bought all of it.
in honor of dragon dave, my first wine will be a 50 gallon batch of dragon blood. just send my helper to buy all the fruit and sugar at samsclub. bought a 1 1/2 transfer pump, to move it all from one to the other.
thanks dragondave....you are not just an inspiration for wine making, you have reached icon status...

I have a thought, and that is that the rate at which you master certain things is related to the length of the learning feedback loop. Some hobbies give very immediate feedback, allowing early mastery. Other hobbies have a longer feedback loop, wherein you don't get your feedback (positive or negative) for a year or two or sometimes more. Gardening, for example, has a long feedback loop. I have gardened for years, both in the yard and my tropical greenhouse, and yet I don't consider myself a master. After 9 years I have yet to master the pruning and chill cycle needed to get my [expletive deleted] lychee tree to bloom at the right time.

Winemaking has a long learning feedback loop.
I totaly agree with you. I have been gardening for most of my life, even though I may know more then someone that is just starting a small garden of tomatoes and cucumbers, i will never know what my mother knew about companion planting that she learned in a lifetime.
I have been a woodworker building fine things, I am no master, and will not be.
I have reconstructed million dollar homes, I will never be a master carpenter.
I will never be a master wine maker, but I will make wine, that I enjoy if no one else does, if its one gallon are 100. Its what I made.bad good are different.
Thank you stressbaby...you made a very good point.
Good Score James congratulation!!!
James, you are the man! Two thumbs up for the acknowledgement of D. Dave's contribution of DB. Congratulations on the acquisition, very happy for you my friend.

50 gallons of DB = many, many gallons of Goop!

Have fun!
James, you sure know how to live large! I will be interested in tracking your progress. I hope it goes well.
i am tired of making 25 bottles of db, a week later not having any..
everyone loves the stuff....this time i will ask they all help out with the bottling....
LOL, now I know why you have been dumpster diving. Of course if you have enough smaller vessels you wouldn't necessarily have to bottle it all at one time. Maybe bottle half and let the rest bulk age for a few more weeks? Just a thought. I can't imagine bottling 50 gallons in one go.

I did a bottle count last night. I am up to about 90, but I know that is on the low end of folks on here. I am working on it!
if they like the db that much, you may not end up with many bottles after the bottling. lol
some are going in recycled boxes some in 1.75, a couple of 5 gallon for parties, the rest in .750...
added pnuematics to my corker.
Your hard core Dave. Have you started this yet?

what ratio are you or did you use for the fruit ingredients?
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