RJ Spagnols 4 week? 6 week? 8 week?

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Sacramental Wine Maker
Dec 26, 2012
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I'm a beer home brewer coming over to wine. I'm used to the " your patience shall be rewarded" mentality that comes with brewing.

So in a nutshell here is my question:

Are the 4 week kits as good as the 8 week kits? There is a price difference and time difference. I'm not looking for Lafitte quality bordeaux here, but I am looking for a bottle of wine that can stand up to a $14-$30 dollar bottle of red (or better?) .

Any input is greatly appreciated.
4 - 6 - 8 is like good - better - best. The quality is directly proportional to what you spend. Any of the 6 week kits a good value for the price. If they have extra skins, all the better. 8 week have more juice and usually skins (at least for the reds). I have made a few of the 6 and 8's with grape skins and the results are definitely above a straight 6 week kit.

So buy the best kit you can afford. It takes no more work to make a 8 week kit over a 4 week.

frtrey, welcome to the forum.

Regarding the "quality" of wine kits, it has been my experience that the following generally hold true:

1. the more juice in a kit, the better, i.e. a 16 liter kit will yield a better wine than a 12 liter kit.
2. kits with grape skins or a crushed grape pack are better than those without.
3. adding red raisins to red wine kits without #2, above, will improve the wine. In limited cases, adding white raisins to some white kits (hardy white wines) will improve the wine.
4. "all juice" kits generally aren't. Rather they are concentrate with the water added so you are better off buying a 16 or 18 liter kit and adding the water instead of paying to ship it.
5. all manufacturers were not created equal; some are better than others and you will find your favorites.
6. to coin a phrase, "you get what you pay for." (or as Miss Ireland, my HS English teacher would have us say, "you get for which you pay.")
Thanks :) I somehow expected my gut reaction was the correct one, but it is nice to have it validated!