2010 Highlights

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Mar 1, 2009
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At this writing we are only 13 members away from 6000. That is awesome as this forum keeps rapidly growing thanks to all the awesome members and their contributions. And don't forget that great map we have that Michael made for all of us to list our locations to give us an idea who is from our own area or just to see how far around the globe we reach. Thank you to each and everyone of you for a wonderful year and I am sure before Christmas we'll hit the 6000 mark.
Looking back we have had some pretty big and exciting topics such as mysterious romance of Troy and Leanne, our new map, Skeeter Pee and Jalapeño recipes, elderberry hunts, Nikki spent more time in the coner than out of it and drag a lot of other members in with her including myself and concluding with Wade selling pumps on the forum. Please feel free to add any of your highlights from 2010 here.

You are right Runningwolf! It has been a great year! I started this Obsession... uh :: hobby this year, about 8 months ago and have really enjoyed the information and the comedy on this page. :db I tell everyone I meet, that is interested, about the page and how much fun we have on here along with some really cool people :hug and oh yes lots of good information. I handed out my first batch of Skeeter Pee to my coworkers for Christmas and have had wonderful reviews.. (Thanks Lon) I am looking forward to cracking the first bottle of my other wines (that is aged) hehe. So I just want to say thanks for all the guidance and I wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Thanks to all our Military Men and Women and their families who are seperated during the holidays to protect this great country!
My biggest highlight I have is if it wasn't for this forum:

I would not have the wine friends that I currently have.

I would not have had roughly 14 strangers in my house for a wine party that was dubbed "Stranger Danger Party." (One of my best parties)

I would not have 20 gallons of muscadine wine aging in my basement

It doesn't get any better than that.

Merry Christmas
I cant begin to say the amount of thanks I have for all of you for making this forum such a great place to be. When we took over this forum it was a real mess with probably more spammers then members. Again, thank you all for all your contributions as thats what keeps this place ticking. Happy Holidays to all of you!
2010 has seen a lot of changes for me and my winemaking. I got my Federal TTB Permits for a winery in July. I then got the NYS SLA Permits in late August. I went from amateur to a commercial Farm Winery at that time. Production increased this year to about 800 gallons from 200 gallons last year.

My winery has tripled in size to about 1500 sq ft. I began to transition from carboys to larger vessels and larger scale wine handling and bottling. One of the biggest changes was to begin to actually bring some money in instead of all the money leaving my hands. Now if I can just take in more than I give out.................

I also frequented this site much more than before Wade and crew took over. I have been a member for years now, but couldn't even access the site until Wade got me in. I had joined, but never been approved.
Well I had to get you in because you are just a plethora of info on wine making in every asset especially the ones many here no nothing about!
201o for me brought many new endeavors. I was elected to Borough Council. I moved my wine making from kits to Fruit wines, to juice and enven ventured into grapes thanks to Sirs. I have met a lot of great people thanks to WMT, learned alot and look forward learning so much more from everyone. I look forward to the good times to come in 2011 with all the new friends from WMT. While our place isn't nearly as large as Julie's, I hope to host a get together at our place this year, may be in the spring on a Sunday so Steve can make it.....

Merry Christmas to all, thanks for a great year..
I know I am the newest Newb on the block but you guys and gals are a hoot. :D I can already picture a time in the near future where my front yard will be a vineyard. Guess I will have to check with my homeowners association before doing that or bribe them with free samples.... :mny Long live the Muscadine. The wine grape of the Redneck nation.... :d
Long live the Muscadine. The wine grape of the Redneck nation.... :d

Hooo Rah......Nothing wrong with being a Redneck.

I have to add that, eventually, I'l learn the most important thing Tom has to say..."Remember the 3 P's" Being a relatively newbie with only a little over a yaer under my belt, I'm slowly learning this.

Thanks Tom, Wade, Julie, Dan, Steve and everyone else who contributes so much to WMT. You all deserve a big round of kudo's and if I knew how to ship wine I would send you a bottle once something has aged(3 P's).

Dan, Steve and Julie, you'll get yours in person, its much more fun that way.
You can ask Dan or Julie HOW to ship wine :slp
It has been a year for myself here on this forum. I have gone from being taught "How" to make wine to "Why" we do what we do to make wine. I like to know.

I am thankful for everyone's friendship on here as well as being able to pick the brains of some of the wine veterans on here as well.

My wife said we could host a wine party here at our place after the New Years as I have a few Sat's open. All are welcome and I'll let you know in due time.

Thanks to Lon and others I now have numerous variations of Skeeter Pee and all are fantastic. Some are from slurries and some are not.

This year my wife saw a former bedroom of ours become completely overwelmed with wine in various stages plus it's equipment and it spread like the plague to other parts of the home as some need to be warm while others need to be cool. She is very happy with the results however. We have built up a nice collection.



Have not been here a year yet. Enjoy it here almost every day, tho. It amazes me how you folks keep helping all who come and ask. Lots of times the same questions, but the answers are almost always polite. The questions coming from someone new are usually of grave concern to them. And usually they get answered quickly, makes everybody feel good. This place reminds me of something I heard at a EMT class once, See one, Do one, teach one. Thanks to all and have a Very Merry Christmas, Arne.