Cellar Craft 20 gal ruined?

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Dec 24, 2012
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I had 4 kits bulk aging, super tuscan, cc mountain red, we cab sauv and another i cant think of right now. I was out of town for about 6 months and just got to checking on them, and all 4 have gone to 0 sulfates and are tasting bitter, but still somewhat drinkable. they have been in bulk aging in glass at constant 68f and still had liquid in the glass airlocks.

i know its a long shot, but is there any saving these, or are they all shot and i just threw $600 down the drain?

BTW the whits seem to be ok, its just all the reds
I would not get rid of them. While aging wine can go thru real crappy spells. I would get my sulfates where they should be and wait, you have nothing to loose. If they are bad you can always throw them out latter.

I would have a hard time believing they are ruined. The bitterness is probably because they are dry. Rack them and give them a dose of sulfites.
I think you will be fine. Just get 1/4 teaspoon of k-meta dissolved in some wine into each carboy and give it a good stir. If they were under airlock the whole time, I doubt you have a problem.
All of those you listed are high tannin wines. They will have a bitterness to them when this young. That has a tendancy to lessen with age. Like the others said, bump up the sulfites and let it get some age on it (I would go with a bit over 1/4 teaspoon since you are at 0 now).
Thanks Grapeman. Thats what I did and will check levels again next week.

I knew I could count on you guys and gal, to help me. I was sweating it for a bit
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