Zinfandel - what's different?

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Yesterday I crushed 17 boxes of Zinfandel - appx 20kg of grapes per box. At least that's what it was sold as. Could be slightly less. But at $15 per box, I find it very acceptable.
The BRIX is 23, and the Ph 3.4 - seems perfect.
Temperatures are around 28C-30C. It will go up later on in the week, but I don't see it over 35. Hopefully it won't get stuck.

Today, I extracted 25L of juice to separately ferment Rose Zin, and also to make the rest exposed to more skin. Really keen to get that intense fruit flavour, so typical for Zins.

I decided to re-use this 12 months old Syrah yeast which I kept in the fridge tightly sealed.
I was a bit apprehensive, but I added 80g instead of calculated 60g, and it reacted with the Go-Ferm yeast food and has gone very active after I added some juice into it.
Once in the must, iIt reacted with the must very quickly, and the whole thing is very active already.
May try it again next year. Why waste a yeast which performs so well? Obviously test it in a timely manner...

Sounds like you’re off to a wonderful start and you’ve got pretty good temps for kicking off fermentation. Just watch that they (temps) don’t spike too high for too long since you’re interested in preserving all of the fruity flavors that you can.
A little spike in the 32 C range for a half day or day, followed by a finish in the mid 20’s would be good for extraction and preservation of flavors, if you can muster up that kind of temp. control.
Today was also under 30, tomorrow too, but then it's going to be 32 to 36 for 3-4 days. Given my VAT is under cover, it may be OK.

I'm currently worried that I may have bought too much. The cap is floating now and is pushing the cover a bit and it's quite hard to turn it over.
We'll see tomorrow.

It seems that lessons learned with Shiraz over the ph may not be needed here. The ph is good, and the grapes in general feel more acidic.
Today was also under 30, tomorrow too, but then it's going to be 32 to 36 for 3-4 days. Given my VAT is under cover, it may be OK.

I'm currently worried that I may have bought too much. The cap is floating now and is pushing the cover a bit and it's quite hard to turn it over.
We'll see tomorrow.

It seems that lessons learned with Shiraz over the ph may not be needed here. The ph is good, and the grapes in general feel more acidic.

If you’re pH is 3.4, that’s a decent starting place and should yield a finished wine (post AF and MLF) in the 3.5 - 3.6 range, not too shabby at all for a Zinfandel.........though you may need a bit more zing on your rose’.
Malo was sent today via Express mail. Should arrive tomorrow, but knowing Australia Post, it may take three days...

So I'll introduce it to the must 4-5 days into the primary. Not ideal but it is what it is.

Wondering if I should add Malo to these 30 litres of Rose separated early, or stop the secondary with sulfites?

Edit 5/02 - malo arrived and added to both. Should be OK - if not, may correct it with some Tartaric later.
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Have I mentioned the wine turned out great? Bottled the first keg in early November, and it was already settled.
The small amount of Rose I made is pretty average. It's drinkable as a "spritzer" mix with soda, but it'smainly forgettable...
The temperatures rose to 40C and the Brix went to 0 in 4-5 days. I wanted to have na extended fermentation, but, had to press it early.

Nevertheless - the wine is very much to my liking. I prefer it to Shiraz, and have pre-ordered 15 boxes (300kg+) for this season.
Have I mentioned the wine turned out great? Bottled the first keg in early November, and it was already settled.
The small amount of Rose I made is pretty average. It's drinkable as a "spritzer" mix with soda, but it'smainly forgettable...
The temperatures rose to 40C and the Brix went to 0 in 4-5 days. I wanted to have na extended fermentation, but, had to press it early.

Nevertheless - the wine is very much to my liking. I prefer it to Shiraz, and have pre-ordered 15 boxes (300kg+) for this season.
Just dropped by to say that I'm a big fan of Asterix and Obelix. Have the whole book colection.
We did 2,000lbs of Zin this year. Blend was 80% Old Vine Zin / 12% Carignan / 8% Petit Syrah. The yeast we chose was Avante Renaissance and VP41 MLB. No Enzymes. It was left on the skins for 7 days before pressing.

The color and taste is already very promising :)
Sounds pretty promissing.
I was happy with the Syrah yeast and will use it again. It tolerates high temperatures and high alcohol levels well.
Unfortunatelly, what I have in my fridge won't work for the 3rd year. Tested it, and seems very weak. Will order it again along with the WP41.

I kept mine on the skins for 5 days as the temperatures were hitting 40C and the BRIX was down to zero. I wanted to keep it on the skins for another few days, but it was risky. It still turned out well.
I don't know if you have the equipment or not but it would be cool to separate off 25-30 liters and try another yeast. It will expand the possibilities and give you more levers to play with to allow you to bring out different flavors...it is one of my most favorite parts of the hobby. Good luck this year and great thread!
Not really. It's too much stuff already. Can't double up on vats and storage. I did a lot of spec comparison to select this yeast to suit the grapes and local conditions. Also, it gets too expensive, as this quality yeast I get in 500g quantities.
Hmmm, it's been more than a year since my last post
My 2019 Zin is a full body, great to drink. Still have about 30 bottles left.
I just bottled the first keg of 2020 Zin. Still have 150 Litres left (200 bottles).
It's been a great success. Just so nice to drink. Nicer than 2019.
I was worried about 2020 as the fermentation went through several 40C + days (105F) , and I was inserting frozen bottles to the must to keep the temperatures down. Pressed after 5 days. Still turned out great.
So much good wine... so considered to skip this year, but the grower called if I needed any this year...well, why not, still have a 300 Litres of tank space available. So 16 boxes (650-750 pounds?). The grapes very sweet and acidic to eat. Just past the prime,starting to dry out. Perfect.
The temps are in 35-37C (95 to 98 F). Hot, but less hot than the last year. BRIX 23, dropped to 10 after 48 hrs. The last years yeast working great. VP41 going in tomorrow.
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Thanks CDrew.
Zin is not common at all, and the growers who make wine sell it quickly at a high price. I was lucky to find a a local grower who only sells grapes. He told me that some big companies want to buy everything he produces, so I may not be so lucky in the future.
My 2019 Zin is a full body, great to drink.
I can vouch for this! Great drop - and thanks again for the bottle swap.

I just bottled the first keg of 2020 Zin. Still have 150 Litres left (200 bottles).
It's been a great success. Just so nice to drink. Nicer than 2019.
I was worried about 2020 as the fermentation went through several 40C + days (105F) , and I was inserting frozen bottles to the must to keep the temperatures down. Pressed after 5 days. Still turned out great.
So much good wine... so considered to skip this year, but the grower called if I needed any this year...well, why not, still have a 300 Litres of tank space available. So 16 boxes (650-750 pounds?). The grapes very sweet and acidic to eat. Just past the prime,starting to dry out. Perfect.
The temps are in 35-37C (95 to 98 F). Hot, but less hot than the last year. BRIX 23, dropped to 10 after 48 hrs. The last years yeast working great. VP41 going in tomorrow.

Looking forward to hearing about the progress. I have done the 'ice bottle' method in the past, definitely preferable to having a ferment run too hot.
I'm jealous of your warm climate, just coming out of a deep freeze here in Wisconsin. Spring seems so far away but its giving me time for experimental frozen fruit wine making.. cheers!
It's funny but it seems too early for harvest. Zinfandel in California usually harvests around September 15. So it seems like in Australia it should be March 15. But, you have ripe grapes, so it isn't an exact 6 month offset.

I've made 4 vintages of Primitivo (Zinfandel's identical twin brother) and drank many gallons of California Zinfanel over the years. A terrific and versatile grape. Post some pics of your set up.
I can vouch for this! Great drop - and thanks again for the bottle swap.

Looking forward to hearing about the progress. I have done the 'ice bottle' method in the past, definitely preferable to having a ferment run too hot.

Thanks !!!
It would be great to swap again around Christmas. We quite liked your wine too.

Pressed it yesterday already. The BRIX dropped to zero in 5 days.
I'm jealous of your warm climate, just coming out of a deep freeze here in Wisconsin. Spring seems so far away but its giving me time for experimental frozen fruit wine making.. cheers!

It's nice when it is under 30C, but it's a hell when it hits 40s.
Would be nice to experience snow every nowand again.