Yeast Selection

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Ernest T Bass

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
There are all kinds of yeast available. Why is the yeast selection so important? I was lead to believe that "Red Star Premier Cuvee" was good for everythng. I only make fruit wine, should I use different yeast for different fruits?


Semper Fi
My preference for fruit wines is Lavlin 71B 1122, this brings the fruit flavor through the fermenting process
Different yeasts bring out different aspects of each fruit. Some are geared more towards darker reds to help draw out tannins and the such that you wouldnt want to draw out with a subtle or delicate fruit.
Thanks, now I have 3 good yeast to choose from and I will stick with these.

Semper Fi
I like Cotes Des Blanc for almost all of my lighetr fruits and Pastuer red for my darker fruits.
I've gravitated towards K1V-1116 for just about everything, although I do change it up once in a while.

Exceptions are tart cherries and apple, both high in malic acid. For these I use 71B-1122 as it metabolizes a large percentage of the malic, which smooths the wine out quite a bit - to *my* taste.

I also use Cote de Blanc for more delicate fruits like strawberry.
I do agree with using the 71B for stuff like apple and Blackberry.
Bud, here's a link to a chart for the Lalvin brand of yeast.

I use and have found that Lalvin works great for me. Others prefer other kinds of yeast. It's your own preference. I was taught using Lalvin and have tried some others but came back to Lalvin.

Whatever you choose you will be okay, but yes different yeasts produce different flavors in wine plus some are designed for higher alcohols or low foaming etc. or faster fermentations which can be good for some wines but not for others.

There are pros and cons to all. Use what works best for you.
Lalvin 71 B 1122 & ICV K1V-1116 and Maurivin B eat malic acid. :b

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