Yeast amount for starter...

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Senior Member
Apr 21, 2021
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Out of curiosity, I'm wondering how much yeast (grams) folks use when making a starter?

The typical pack that comes with a 6gal kit has 5grams - yet the googled "rule of thumb" seems to be 1g/gal of must.

(Idle I just received my 100g packs of Renaissance Allegro & TR313)

Out of curiosity, I'm wondering how much yeast (grams) folks use when making a starter?

The typical pack that comes with a 6gal kit has 5grams - yet the googled "rule of thumb" seems to be 1g/gal of must.

(Idle I just received my 100g packs of Renaissance Allegro & TR313)


I use 1 packet (5g) regardless if I make a 3, 5, or 6g batch. I think I have bought 8g packets too if I recall the packaging. My starter, based on the tutoring of @winemaker81, calls for 1/2 tsp of GoFerm, 1 TBS of sugar. I use a stir plate to gently stir the mix for several hours. Usually turn it off overnight, but start it up again prior to pitching. Never had a stalled batch.
I use a 5 g packet for 12-25 liter batches. When using bulk yeast, I use 2 to 2-1/2 tsp, which depending on the strain, is 5 g.

If making a starter the way @Ohio Bob and I do, it's fine to use less yeast. However, one point of making a starter is to ensure a larger, vigorous colony at inoculation, so I don't use less.

When using bulk yeast (like Renaissance) I'll toss in 1/2 extra tsp, just to be sure. It's overkill, but when I have 100 g yeast, it's trivial.
I used between 5 & 6 grams of the bulk yeasts -- since my scale has only 1 significant digit for 1st time using....Allegro starter didn't show much of a sign of activity -- though once added to the Chard must fermentation was visible in 12-18hrs.


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