wine competition

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May 13, 2008
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I am debating entering a few wines. Do you know if you get feedback at all on them even if you dont win anything? So you at least know like a 1 to 10 rating on categories? It would be worth it to me just to know from people who really know how to taste wine.

Also - what category do the fuit/grape kits go in - like the Orchard Breezin ones? I would probably enter one of those and my Blackberry from scratch wine.

I've been making wine for 3 years now so I am still pretty much a novice but would like to know what areas my wine may lack in so I know where to focus improvements in my processes.
FROM what entered so far only a few actually give you any reply, cellar masters is late on send ing theres out ,but if you think you have a good product then by all means enter ,each entire form will explain how ti classify your wine type however if you make a mistake (ie,dry and its,actually sweet ) thats on you and the judges usually wont correct the maker entire also knowing personally the judges that set up some major events on the east coast if you are not degassed properly they just won.t take that particular wine any farther in the process,what you need are credits who understand the make up of a good wine and will be real with you and constructive at the same time ,giving you the pro,s and con,s of your wine if any and of course it,s up to you to ask yourself is this really ready ,if so do it by all means.............

If you are refering to the WineMaker Magazine competition where we can support George in his quest to become win the 'Retailer of the Year' award and award us with $100 gift certificates for each medal we bring in, then I can say that you do get your results back with tasting sheets that (if I remember correctly) are based on a 20-point scale. There is room for notes, although not every judge wrote notes down. I happened to have a couple that put down notes that were informative, some notes that were cryptic at best, and then spots that had no notes at all. Of course, if you had three out of three judges mark your wine as 'fizzy' fora still wine, it would definitely give you a start for future corrections.

When in doubt, submit some wines and give yourself the chance to get a medal, a free kit (depending on the manufacturer), and gift certificates from George.

- Jim
As stated, it depends on the competition. Most all will send tasting/judging notes to every entry. I am going to break down and enter some competitions myself this year. I plan on the Winemaker Magazine Comp, the Indy Wine Comp, and the American Wine Society Comp. Good luck if you decide to give it a shot.
Y'all just send me as much as you want and i promise I will give you feedback/tasting notes on every one
YA WALDO IF YOU PUT IT THAT WAY I,LL SEND THE CONTESTANTS THERE NOTES AND A THANK YOU................HA,ps all checks payable to cash,only...................

yeah - I was talking about the winemaker mag competition

I want to make sure I enter stuff properly - so for a mist wine kit - would I enter it in the "Grape & Non-Grape Table Wine Blend " category? Sorry for my newbishness on this :p

I was contemplating entering, but knowing that I may help George is good motivation!
I've seen the mist kits under diff categories--often under the Grape/nongrape
table Wine Blend but also under the main "fruit" like Strawberry White Zin or Blueberry Pinot under "berry fruit"; Green Apple Riesling or Cranapple Chardonnay under "Apple/Pear Varietals or Blends" so I think the choice is yours.