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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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I recently found out that the wines I made 2 years ago are awesome, the flavor, body and all around wine was so much better than when it was first bottled...We thought it was good then too...everyone raves about aging wines, and they are so correct.

I need help like some other Forum Members to keep from drinking my wines too early. I am trying to make up many batches, so eventually will have an over abundance and be able to let some sit longer.

For my New Years Plan [not resolution] I started putting a box of 12 bottles of each batch away...taped up the box and slid it under the shelves in the wine/root cellar...."out of sight-out of mind" to speak.

The remainder of the batches are out in the wine racks, will try a bottle every now and then to see how it is coming along....By putting 12 bottles of each batch away it leaves room on the shelves for more will continue making batches of wine and storing away some bottles of each.

Now comes the hard part, leaving the boxes of wine alone...and...for how long...6 months...12 months....????

I will be needing some help not opening those boxes....someone please hold my hand and give me strengh....keep me from temptation to open that one box that might have a new favorite wine....

I am with you. I just wish I had a cellar here to put my wines in. Mine are all in the rack in front of me. I would rather have a dozen bottles or so in a rack and the rest in the cellar. I know what you mean though. I have a goal of a minimum of a year before I open a bottle from a batch. I only have 3 batches so far that I have stuck with that and I am only around 4-5 months with them. I do have 2 kits that are in carboys that need to be bottled a month or two ago. As others have said, bulk aging is the only way I can gt around it.

I am taking the approach of making many batches of different varietals so I cannot possible consume them in a year and have plenty aged. I drink no mroe than three bottles a week. This way I get many aged wines and I can sample many different kinds along the way to start next years out with the ones I like best. The problem is the three batches I have bottled so far I like all of them. George, keep a deposit slip handy!
I love the idea of putting 12 bottles away, boxing them up, however you do it, it is a great idea!! Duct tape those boxes!!!! Have you thought about buying some "less expensive" wine to keep on hand like the Crane Lake or "Two Buck Chuck"?

I too need help in this area...I have no discipline..I am ashamed...I have too many friends that love my wines and keep coming back for more. Do I make up a bunch of bogus bottles of really bad stuff and give that out to discourage repeated requests for more?
Well, I don't have anything bottled yet, and only have a 10L RJS Merlot bulk aging. My plan is to continue to drink the quite acceptable Australian box wines I buy and top up with (~$16/3L) for the evening sip, and saving my wines for nice dinners and such.

I expect the Merlot to be in the box class, but will probably never do low-end again (unless I do a batch of Island Mist type for my daughter). 15L kits minimum from now on. My goal (ruled by finance) is to try to start one every 6 - 8 weeks. I might also try to slip in some fruit concentrate creations.

You crack me up!!

I will have to assume that your reputation is probably already set and your friends know it!!!!
(which is why they come back for more)!!

In the same dam boat here! NW, I'm with you. This year is going to be a
busy year. I have to redo my basement and make a ton of wine all at the
same time. I'm going to need to retire after this year!
My advice is to make some of the low end kits to drink early (and save some money) and make the higher end kits to age. Eventually, you will have all high end kits ready to drink and more in the aging process.