Will this work? And questions on Muscadines

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Aug 12, 2006
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I've got some muscadines from a friend (only a pint or so). I can buy some from the store here by the quart (is $4 a quart a good price?). Is there any trick to pressing/squishing them? Can I freeze the juice & use it when I get more muscadines? How many quarts will I need??
*so many questions!*

Thanks all!

I can buy them from a local orchard for $8 per gal ($6 if I pick them myself). Where are you? If none are grown locally, you may have no choice but to pay that price. Supply & demand, you know.

As for freezing, if you do-freeze everything-pulp/skins/juice. Most of the flavor, and, depending on the variety of muscadine, all of the coloris in the skins.

I know other more experienced wine makers freeze their fruit because it makes for a better wine making experience (I forget why), but when I tried it with the muscadine I collected this year I noticed a distinct reduction in flavor, once thawed.
I take my frozen Muscadines and using a fresh zip loc bag I put about a good double handful into the bag, pressing out as much air as possible and then use a rolling pin to process them. There may be a better way but this works great for me
Edited by: Waldo
How do you get the seeds out or do you not bother?
How many will I need?
I don't think there are any 'suppliers' locally (though there may be just someone who has them!). I'm in NorthEast Arkansas.
Why don't all wineries do it that way, I wonder?
Thanks for your replies!
You dont worry about the seeds and a commercial winery is processing tons where we are prosceesing lbs. If you have a local Farmers Market I am sure you should be able to find some there. You need 6lbs per gallon of wine for a heavy bodied Muscadine. You can use less but I don't.
Thanks Waldo! I sure wish I were closer to ya'... it would be more fun! Been meaning to come out that way sometime. Can you recommend any places to visit?
That beats the heck out of a potato masher in a bowl. The seeds don't puncture the bag, I assume.
Caroline said:
Thanks Waldo! I sure wish I were closer to ya'... it would be more fun! Been meaning to come out that way sometime. Can you recommend any places to visit?
Well, by all means "The Cats Meow Winery" would be a have to see

Seriously, there is so much around here to see and do...8 lakes,4 rivers,
Hot Srings NationalPark with so much history and heritage, Botanical Gardens, Hiking, Canoeing, Boating, Horse Racing, and of course the William Jefferson Clinton Library.So as we unz say down here, Ya'll come on down now and set a spell!!
bj4271 said:
That beats the heck out of a potato masher in a bowl. The seeds don't puncture the bag, I assume.
Seeds do not puncture the bag bj...at least they havent yet

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