Will a hair dryer work??

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Jun 6, 2010
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Can a hair dryer set on high be used to shrink the PVC capsules onto bottles or do I need to buy a $170 bench top shrink machine?
Can a hair dryer set on high be used to shrink the PVC capsules onto bottles or do I need to buy a $170 bench top shrink machine?

The hair dryer will not work but the $170.00 machine is totally awesome if your making a lot of wine. A cheap heat gun from harbor freight or boiling water works also. I have the big machine and love it.
I'd Try it or even holding it over a electric stove element.
Boil a pot of water and dunk the top on the wine bottle in it... thats what i use perfect and doesnt cost anything.. just make sure you use enough water to submerge the whole pvc capsule
I will NOT work.
I boil water and dip them. Works for 1,000 bottles each year.....
hair dryer will work but it takes FOREVER. Cheap heat gun from hardware store works, I kept burning myself with boiling water. Now I just dont put them on at all since my cheap heat gun died
I concur with Dan. I have used everything from a tea kettle making steam to dipping in a mug of boiling water to a boiling pan of water. The boiling water types all leave water in the capsule.

I recently got a thermoencapsulator and it works great in no time at all. Just place the capsule on the bottle lay it in the machine and slide forward and you are done.
I will NOT work.
So did YOU win that lottery??

IMO, the boiling water works best. I put the caps on all the bottles while the pot boils (never watch the pot (grin)). Using a wooden slotted spoon (just happen to be a couple near our stove), hold the cap in place while turning the bottle over and placing in the boiling water. (Haven't burned myself yet.) The cap shrinks quickly so pull the bottle out after just a few seconds. Everything should be good.

Hair driers tend not to output enough heat (we tried a couple back in 1999). My brother and his buddy both had heat guns. One wasn't hot enough and the caps wrinkled. The other worked great. So get a heat gun with the higher output.

I use a heat gun that I bought at a craft store for $20. If you have a coupon it's even cheaper. Works great. Each capsule takes about 5 to 10 seconds.
I have done my past few bottles with a hair dryer and it worked fine, just takes a while and my wife is constantly reminding me that when I burn it up I need to get her another one, I keep reminding her I bought the frist one for her so now it's her turn.:w
I tried the boiling water thing just one time and had my PVC cap melt. I'm sure I left it in too long but didn't want to go back for round 2.
I would say a heat gun should work better than the hair dryer though.
Making one from a dish washer heating element. With a rheostat on it I should be able to control how hot. Making a sheet metal shroud on the break press tomorrow. If that element don't do it, gonna try a burner from an electric stove.
Due to the depletion of water especially heading down toward ibglowin I chose to go this route. Works for over 1001 bottles a year. :pee

you are not allowed to make 1001 bottles, you need to pay attention to Tom, he at least stays legal. :)
My dearest friend Julie, how many times have I told you what happens when you assume? The law is 200 gallons! I have several 375ml bottles :)
200 gallons? are you sure. If you drink it before they count it does it still count :)
Law says MAKING 200 gallons NOT bottling 1,000 bottles. Like Dan said you can bottle even 2,000 bottles as long you dont MAKE more than 200 gallons. Confused yet?? :?
Law says MAKING 200 gallons NOT bottling 1,000 bottles. Like Dan said you can bottle even 2,000 bottles as long you dont MAKE more than 200 gallons. Confused yet?? :?

Or if you barrowed gallon containers from ours friends in the north you could make 240.19 gallons.