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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2010
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I got two 5 gallon pails of Napa River Ranch Cabernet frozen grapes from Midwest, added 4 cups of sugar and started it 4 days ago. It looks like I forgot the yeast nutrient, or I forgot to write it down if I put it in. They look real happy when I stir but the question is, should I put it in now? If I did put it in will doubling up hurt? bk
What was the starting SG and what is it now?

Without the nutrient, it is possible that the yeast will:
a) Stop fermentation early, so the alcohol will be lower and the wine will still have some sugar left in it.
b) Fermentation will continue, but because the yeast is strained, the rotten egg smell will be very prominent.
c) Fermentation will continue to dry and no rotten egg smell. All is well.

Either a or b can happen. However, both a and b can happen at the same time.

If there are still several days left on the fermentation, since you don't know if you added it or not, I would consider adding 1/2 the original dose called for in the instructions. This way, if you didn't add it up front, the yeast will likely be OK with 1/2 the dose. If you did add it up front and you are now adding more yeast nutrient, 1/2 dose is not that bad; most if not all the nutrient will be used up by the end of fermentation.

So, give us those SG readings, so we can help you.
Yeah we need to know how far along it is as adding it too late can leave a residual taste. I would not add at if its past 1.030. If half way I would only add 1/2 of what it called for.
Why did you add 4 cups of sugar? It should have been at the right gravity.
Actually Tom lots of people still adjust the brix to about 25.
Yes But I didnt see what the starting gravity was or what it was after adding the 4 cups. Did I miss that?