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Mar 26, 2012
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Hi Folks,

So my apple wine has now settled at 0.998 but is still fizzing away gently. it's already looking quite clear!

Should I degas it first (will this stir everything up and mean I have to wait for it to clear again?) or should I add cam, meta etc first to stabalize it.

I'm not too worried about clarity as I have finnings I can add later.

Also how critical is acidity at this point? Can I check and alter that before bottling? Is taste more important?


If the SG has been stable for 3 days - rack it to another carboy and stabilize it.

Wait a few days if you are sweetening - then degass.
I would rack it off any sediment, Add K-Meta & sorbate ( if you are going to sweeten it ) and then degass. Let it sit and age for awhile my apple wines drop sediment for a long time it seems.

Any apple wine should age a year before you drink it.
So why the hurry. Let it sit a few months more in the carboy.
It will clear automatically. No need for fining, no need for degassing.
Let nature do its thing.

Thanks guys, yes its stable now for three days.
I am planning on ageing it for at least a year.

I'll rack and stabilize it tomorrow just to give it a days rest. Then wait another 3 days and sweeten. Is it definitely best to rack first then stabilize instead of versa vice?

I'm assuming tannins are best left out of apple wine as they're light and sweet and sharp? Imagining too much mouth feel would complicate matters

Then to the cool damp shed for a long a spell of age.
Yes, Rack it first then stabilize it. You don't want that sediment stirred back into suspention. I agree with long term aging apple mine usually sets in the carboy till at least 1 year old.
