What's in your glass tonight?

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Back from a week of fun in cool and dry San Antonio, TX........


Our daughter who lives there is moving into the old homestead to become a caretaker for the place. Moved my mom into assisted living back in December and she is doing really well there. Was a tough decision but it worked out better than we could have ever imagined. Mom is happy, made lots of new lady friends, not falling down every week. She is 5 mins away from my sister who can now go back to being her daughter once again and not her primary caretaker. Win/win for everybody I think.

Little celebration tonight with some 2012 Saviah Cellars Une Vallee' Bordeaux blend from WWV. No complaints at all.


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An offering from Constellation brands I was not previously familiar with. Not bad. Pricey, but not bad.

Got this 2015 Apothic Dark as a gift, it is pleasant, but a little too pleasant and not that interesting. It tastes like it was heavily processed, a little oak, not much tannin, maybe some RO or ultrafiltration concentration and a touch of mega-purple. They definitely spent some time on marketing, the label, black synthetic cork etc. I'll drink it, but I'm sure there are other people that would enjoy it much more.

Got this 2015 Apothic Dark as a gift, it is pleasant, but a little too pleasant and not that interesting. It tastes like it was heavily processed, a little oak, not much tannin, maybe some RO or ultrafiltration concentration and a touch of mega-purple. They definitely spent some time on marketing, the label, black synthetic cork etc. I'll drink it, but I'm sure there are other people that would enjoy it much more.

Interesting that you can taste the Mega Purple, how can you pick it out?
Been toying with the idea of getting some to experiment with, guess that’s one way to know what it tastes like.
@Johnd I've tasted RO tannin and color concentrate, but not the mega-purple, just speculating based on that. The tannin and color concentrates don't have sugar, but the mega-purple does.
Interesting that you can taste the Mega Purple, how can you pick it out?
Been toying with the idea of getting some to experiment with, guess that’s one way to know what it tastes like.

Try a couple Apothic red wines. I think you'll find a similarity between them - I suspect that's the Mega Purple.
I don't remember where I read it, but I believe a little goes a long way. Can't imagine having a gallon of the stuff.
For dessert, toasted caramel
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