What's for Dinner?

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One day, my father was walking out to the back yard. We had this screen door with a spring closure that used to shut with a rather loud BANG.

As my father walked out, he noticed a yearling fawn on our lawn. When he let the screen door close with the usual BANG, the deer looked up, and in a state of panic bolted.

Unfortunately for the fawn, he did not see the fence post and rammed into it head first. Sad to say, he fell over dead as a doornail.

I saw dad approach the deer with a truly saddened look. I swear that I even saw a tear run down his cheek as he muttered "what a shame".

Looking up from the deer, and noticing me, he yell "John, get my hunting knife".

Not one to waste, he had the deer hung, dressed, skined, and butchered in under an hour.

For the next several months, it was Bambi burgers, Bambi schnitzel, and Bambi stew. I have to say that this was the best deer I ever tasted!
How much do you pay that double of yours who is so thin when you are in some of these pictures? I'd weight 350 if I had all the food you always have around.

Safe travels (you've taken more vacations in the last year than I have in the last 20) and say "hey" to @FTC_Wines when you see him.
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Since we'll be driving to FL this Friday, today we're having our traditional Christmas Eve dinner here at home.

Just too much food [emoji4][emoji4]

Merry Christmas early to all...

A feast for 20+
Since we'll be driving to FL this Friday, today we're having our traditional Christmas Eve dinner here at home.

Just too much food [emoji4][emoji4]

Merry Christmas early to all...

That looks great. So what time is dinner and do you want me to bring anything?? :)
How much do you pay that double of yours who is so thin when you are in some of these pictures? I'd weight 350 if I had all the food you always have around.

Safe travels (you've taken more vacations in the last year than I have in the last 20) and say "hey" to @FTC Wines when you see him.

We break the "diet" once in a while....:h but always try to keep my weight in the ~160lbs or so.

I am definitely seeing Roy @FTC Wines

We're just working out a day that is convenient based on his and my schedule. Roy is such a great person, we'll be trading a couple bottles for sure...:db

A feast for 20+

And we were only 8 people total...:sh
BTW mods, it seems like the tag does not work when someone has a space in the user name?
For example: @FTC Wines
Was tagging users back ported to this version of vBulletin? That could explain the issue. The version we are running seems a bit long in the tooth.
Not for dinner, but for tomorrow's lunch at work. As usual, we pick a day and all bring in dishes to share between our department (ATS and FIS) and Prep (they process the stuff to get it ready for plates, then make the plates (I work at a printing company)). I traditionally make vegetable chili, since there are a few who follow that pattern of eating, and I'm the best cook up there (just kidding). This year I when I grabbed a green pepper my hand went right through it, so for something green (other than cilantro) in addition to the celery I added early on, I added some asparagus. Pretty much disintegrated, but I can tell it is in there. My beef substitute, as always, are ground portobello mushrooms. I cheated and used seasonings from a box of two alarm chili. Had run out of my chile powder and didn't have time to make up a batch (use home grown peppers, dried twice, ground without the seeds or skins, nice stuff) so the box of spices worked out nicely. Two types of beans (red kidney and black beans), two types of onion, a turnip, corn, a nice sweet red pepper and some canned diced maters. Will add the cilantro tomorrow when I reheat in the crock pot and will serve with a bag of tortilla chips and some Monterrey Jack cheese on the side (and some hot diced peppers).

Buffalo Chicken Soup!

Buffalo Chicken Soup!

Here I thought you took the picture....


Is this the recipe you used? Do you think you could mix it all together and put it in the crockpot on low for four hours or so? My wife asked me to ask you if the coconut milk mellowed out the cup of Franks sauce in the recipe. Guess I could make it and if she didn't like it I'd have breakfast and lunch for a few days....
Did not use the Coconut milk as we didn't have any on hand and didn't want to run to the store. I just used regular milk. You can always leave out the Franks and let people add it at the table.
Did not use the Coconut milk as we didn't have any on hand and didn't want to run to the store. I just used regular milk. You can always leave out the Franks and let people add it at the table.

Wifey went "ooh" when she saw it (good ooh), so might try and add 1/2 cup of the Franks and leave the bottle out for the boys and myself. Looks like it would make a nice meal soup when it is bitterly cold outside. I could do without the coconut milk anyway, but would add it if the dish would be sub-par without. Thanks for posting, great idea (and easy to make GF)!
Buffalo Chicken Soup!


Was thinking about this the other day when I did the Buffalo Chicken dip for our office potluck. I made some a while back (Think it was @Runningwolf that posted it). Wifey has been asking me to make it lately.