What's for Dinner?

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Snowing here, as it is on much of the east coast. So tonight is comfort food. Whole roasted chicken with roasted carrots, taters and onions. About to make gravy with the giblets and the drippings.
Shoe: one of my favorite things to do during/after a big snowstorm is cook a big meal outside on the grill and/or smoker. Good on ya!
I found a 3 pound packet of ground beef in my freezer. Nice to have since getting to the store is not really an option. Also found a box of corn bread mix. I sense chilli in my future.

My chilli has a Hungarian flair to it. Sort of a cross between tex-mex chilli and a nice Hungarian goulash. I also shove in lots of mushrooms.

was having steaks but a lady friend is coming in from dallas tomorrow, so tonight will be , baked ham, turnip greens with some ham trimmings, grilled turnips floating in bacon butter, and some peach blush.
apple pie with some hot streusel.
Snow storm, it took nearly an hour to get home, and the truck got stuck on the bridge. Again. Thus, quick meal:

Kids: chicken fingers & tater tots
Adults: chicken & pork souvlaki, tater tots, and tzatziki

Later: Orange Chocolate Port, or mulled Malbec
Korean style chicken with kimchee, rice and kim (seasoned seaweed sheets).

OK Greg here comes a negative towards you :). Other than the weekend at the AWS Convention with you, I have to say all the food you post looks really bad to me compared to everyones elses dishes. With that said, I hate vegetables and most seafood. But you do take good pictures! BUT...it is cool to see what you're eating as you travel around the world, my friend!
Tonight will be:

Old-bay seasoned crab spring rolls with home-made duck sauce (served with 2011 Vidal Blanc), followed by:

White-wine marinated, sage breaded, fried oyster po-boy sandwiches with a creamy cilantro pesto spread on old-bay dusted hoagie rolls, with fried rosemary potatoes and onions and seasoned corn and pea succotash (served with 2011 Pinot Girgio), finally:

Home-made brown-sugar apple crisp topped with cheddar cheese and pecans (served with 2012 Brute).
I think all the food looks fantastic :) ours will be oven roasted beef with ginger puréed sweet potatoes and steamed snow peas... Served with elderberry wine. Dessert only served occasionally but made a homemade banana walnut loaf last night - may have a slice later!
Dan, how about a big pot of good old midwestern Chili with beef and pork. Oh, sorry - I put some carrots and celery in it. Hope that's ok. This is just the thing for a cold winter's day while watching the NDSU Bison win their third FCS National Championship in a row.

Tonight is a simple steak dinner for me and friend from dallas....ribeye seared at about 400. then in the oven to finish....stuffed shitake shrums, instead of baked potato. green salad,texas toast and some bananas foster for desert.....
and since she is going home tomorrow, im making some navy bean soup.
Greg, don't listen to those two leave the carrots in!!!!!!! :ft