What stage do i add these ingredients?

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Jun 27, 2013
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Campden tablets (potassium metabisulfite)
Pectic enzyme
Yeast energizer
Yeast (regular bread yeast for now)

I understand how to make the wine but get mixed up when to add what please help
I would follow a recipe..But most add those items along with yeast nutrient 24 hours before the yeast.
I would try to get some better yeast, specifically for wine making.
Lalvin, are red star, are the most common brands.
So I add before I add the yeast? So dose that mean I let everything sit ingredients and* all for a couple of days then add yeast? Add all and sugar put the lid on ferment for a couple of days then add yeast?
Add the campden up front. After 12 hrs, add the pectic. 12 more hours add the rest of the ingredients and pitch the yeast. I would try and get some nutrient also. Good luck with it,
Ok great yea I actually do have a yeast nutrient for got to add that now not going against what you are saying but what will happen If I add them all at the same time ?

Arne has you on the right track
The K-Meta (potassium metabisulfite) will kill or stunt most living organisms. since Yeast and Enzyme are living organisms you will just waste them if they are added at the same time. Also the enzyme don't work as well during active fermentation so it's best to let it work before the yeast takes hold.
Ok great will do I just bought my 5 gal plastic water jugs I was using food grade 5 gal buckets through the whole process so I'm excited about that but yes I understand what you guys are saying I will change the way I so things and I really appreciate your guys input.