What happens if you put kieselsol before degassing?! -_-

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Sep 20, 2012
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I mistakly put kieselsol before degassing... Can some tell me the concequence or what should I do about this?!
It just won't clear easily or quickly. Go ahead and degas now and keep it warm (~72 degrees)
Kieselsol and Chitosan are added successively to the wine to drop suspended particles, mostly yeast cells, out of the wine. The Kieselsol attracts and joins with the yeast particles and is negatively charged. The Chitosan is positively charge and attracts these compounds and they drop to the bottom, clearing the wine. Degassing first helps the first step of the process, i.e. the yeast joining with the Kieselsol.

You did not say wheter or not you added the Chitosan. If you did not, I would recommend degassing now and then adding the Chitosan after degassing is complete. If you have added the Chitosan, I would not try to de-gas just yet. I would let the wine clear with the fining agents and take the next step that is indicated at that time, which could be something like rack, de-gass and fine again (if necessary, and perhaps with a different agent).
Yes! Thanks you very very much, you guys know the stuff thank you so much for helping me out