Welch's grape concentrate wine

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Appleman stated that it was low meaning that there was probably too much acid blend. So how do I lower that ? Is there a table of ph readings I should be looking at ? So should I purchase a acid test kit ? I thought that was what the ph meter was for.
The pH 3.3 is just a bit low from adding too much acid. I really wouldn't freak out over it - it isn't that bad. I don't think I would try to treat it at this point- you will strip flavors. Like I said, just sweeten it up a bit.

The corrections should be made before fermentation. They can be done after but it has more varied results on the wine. The TA test kit tests for the total acids in the must, the pH meter tests the pH which is just a measure of how strong the acid is. The pH meter also makes reading the test more reliable and easier.

Sorry I can't get into it more, I'm still pretty sick today again.
Thanks to everyonre your help. I purchased a acid test kit and will be checking the TA and will let you know or is it something that should only be tested prior to fermentation. Sorry for all the dumb ?'s ,but I'm new and just learning from all of you. I'll be starting another 6 gal.batch in a few days.
OK, here are the TA results. I tested measuring 15cc of wine into test bottle & added three drops of Phenolphthalein. Added Sodium Hydroxide until color change and an additional drop did not change color. It took 7 cc.

I then did another check with the ph tester in the solution until the meter read 7.0 and it took 7cc's. So does this mean that the acid is .70%? Theph was 3.3 When using the ph tester in conjunction with this TA test,did I do that right? The box says that each 1 cc of neutralizer used indicates .1% of acid expressed as Tartaric. The desired acid level for red grape wine says .65%
HD93 said:
OK, here are the TA results. I tested measuring 15cc of wine into test bottle & added three drops of Phenolphthalein. Added Sodium Hydroxide until color change and an additional drop did not change color. It took 7 cc.

I then did another check with the ph tester in the solution until the meter read 7.0 and it took 7cc's. So does this mean that the acid is .70%? Theph was 3.3 When using the ph tester in conjunction with this TA test,did I do that right?No. You add until it hits a pH of8.2and use that value. The box says that each 1 cc of neutralizer used indicates .1% of acid expressed as Tartaric. The desired acid level for red grape wine says .65%

You are probably closer to .8% or even a tad more. That will make it a bit tart.
Back again appleman, I just measured again and TA is .8% . OK the dumb ? is why use the value of 8.2 on the ph meter. and on the box it says red grape wines desired acid level is.65%. So does .8% mean that it is .80%
HD93 said:
Back again appleman, I just measured again and TA is .8% . OK the dumb ? is why use the value of 8.2 on the ph meter. and on the box it says red grape wines desired acid level is.65%. So does .8% mean that it is .80%

is why use the value of 8.2 on the ph meter - because that is the pH at which the change point is reached in the reaction. The point the indicator would kick in. It is one of of those things that is just the way it is.

So does .8% mean that it is .80%. YES
It is a math thing!
Thanks again for your help. I'm going to start another batch. If I run into trouble , I would appreciate help as I'm new & learning.
I 'm starting another batch. I used 18 cans grape concentrate/6 gal.and s.g.= 1.075, added sugar to bring it up to 1.085. the ph =3.0 & ta=.6%. I then added k-meta to the must. Are these figures in the ballpark? I'll check ph & ta again tomorrow. Also the recipe that I used said 1 tsp. pectic enzyme/gal., but the botlle says 1/2 tsp. /gal. Is there a reason for 1/gal. or should I use the figure on the bottle ?
These figures are fine. Don't make any changes they aren't needed. Just use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon, especially since that is what the bottle instructions say. More wouldn't hurt but would be unneeded.
Everything looks good and I wouldnt change a thing, you could use the 1/2 tsp like appleman said and be fine. Some different manufacturers have slightly different instructions so either way is fine as youd rather have a little more then less and end up with a haze. Doubling the amount of enzymes is done all the time with no ill effects.
Hello all. I have another ? What is the "target" s.g. to rack to carrboy? Also I was wondering about yeast nutrient. I added it (6 tsp.) to the primary at first. Should have I waited to put it in just before racking to the secondary (after primary fermentation)? I'm certain that the video that George has forthe Mosti-Mondial wine kitsays to add it in the bucket after primary fermentation & stir, then siphon to carboy.
Rack it at around 1.015 - 1.020. A bit higher or lower won't hurt, but if it is too soon, it can be a bit too active after transfer and bubble out of the airlock. The yeast nutrient should be plenty for this wine. You could have put half in at the beginning and the rest at racking, but it will be good the way it is.
Hey ALL ,Sorry I haven't been around with my stupid ?'s, but I've been dealing with family health issues and in the process of moving and running a business. As far as the wine goes, everything with this batch of Welch's seems to be fine. Just thought I would drop a line to let you know after all the help you supplied that all is well.


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