WineXpert WE Cabernet Sauvignon

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Senior Member
Jun 2, 2007
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I have a we cab sauv kit I started 6/20/07 and has been bulk aging ever since. Tasted it from time to time and it sure tastes kinda thin and flat. What can I do, at theis point, to kick it up a notch? Can I add some red wine concentrate (how much) and some heavy toast american oak chips and leave for another month or should I just bottle and see how it comes out? Any suggestions?
rrawhide, don't add the red wine concentrate as it is unfermented concentrate. You would back-sweeten. You can try more oak - I think most of the kits are a little light in this department.

How big was the kit? In my experience the 10L kits just don't offer the flavor of the 16L and all juice kits.
Hi PeterZ

This is the 15L Wine Expert Selection Cabernet Sauvignon
kit. I did add about 3 oz of American Heavy Toast Oak Chips and 2
grams of acid blend.

I guess I will let it sit for another month and then bottle - Do you
think this is ok or should I let bulk longer? Thanx for your

I don't think it will make much difference whether you bulk or bottle age it. It might taste a little unbalanced due to your additions, prompting the "thin" taste. Over time I'll bet the fruit will develop complexity and the oakiness will receed.