WineXpert Vintners Reserve Chardonnay multiple clearing attempts

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Feb 13, 2012
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Hi all. Long time reader, first time poster so hopefully I don't mess this up.

I'm in the process of making only my 4th batch of wine and while I'm trying to get better at it (for example switching from one step to star san for sanitizing), I seem to be getting worse. First two wines seemed fine, third batch tastes watered down, and now this 4th batch is cloudy.

As the title indicates this is a Vintners Reserve Chardonnay. I'm making this in my basement where the temp is a very constant 72F. Everything seemed to go along fine until stage 3. I didn't seem to get a ton of gas while I was stirring (compared to previous kits), but stirred for a good 15 minutes on and off. At that point, I added the metabisulphite, sorbate, and clarifier (I believe it came with isinglass). I let it sit for 2 weeks and it wasn't clear. Let it sit another week, still not clear. Being at the end of the range specified in the instructions I turned to my local "experts" who suggested SuperKleer. I added that on Saturday night which is now 48 hours ago. The wine is still quite cloudy.

I purchased a Vinbrite filtration kit with the filter as well as "super enzyme" and "vin clear." After reading the Vinbrite instructions and quite a few posts on this very forum, I'm not sure what to do. I don't know if I should rack of the current sediment and try the super enzyme for 4 days then the vin clear or if I should stir sediment back into suspension before adding the super enzyme. I'm not sure if I even need these next two ingredients or if they would do more damage to the wine (read here that too much clearing can damage the wine).

After reading some other posts it seems that I should wait a few more days, rack off the sediment, add super enzyme, wait 4 days (according to the enzyme package), add the vin clear finings, wait some more days/weeks, then rack off the sediment again, filter, bottle.

Is there anyone out there that can point this newbie in the right direction so I don't ruin this chardonnay (and sell all of my equipment :h)
Before you do anything else, contact Winexpert. Either by email or phone. They are very helpful and have a lot of info on the behaviour of their kits.

Thank's Steve. I contacted Winexpert and they are going to send me a packet of Chitosan. I need to get the batch up to 74 degrees before adding it and they only want me to add half the packet, stirring up all of the sediment.

Here's to hoping it works!
I had the same problem with that kit. My thought was that I hadn't degassed enough before adding the clarifier. I racked and degassed again with my new "All In One" added some Super Kleer and the wine cleared up almost overnight. In about a weeks time the wine was crystal clear and had left a layer of sediment on the bottom of the carboy. I transferred the wine again and now I have it clear stabilizing and waiting to bottle.

Thanks for that info--it's good to know I'm not the only one! As it turns out, it took a few days to receive my extra chitosan and in that time the wine went from dirty/opaque to crystal clear in one evening. Apparently I didn't give it enough time to settle. I'll remember that for next time.
Thanks for that info--it's good to know I'm not the only one! As it turns out, it took a few days to receive my extra chitosan and in that time the wine went from dirty/opaque to crystal clear in one evening. Apparently I didn't give it enough time to settle. I'll remember that for next time.
Ah yes, my favourite 'value-added' ingredient...Patience.
