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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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Received my little plant order from Jung's this morning....
Horseradish roots...[check]
Frontenac Gris Grape Vines...[Oh Oh]
I ordered Edelweiss...called them and they are sending the correct plants ASAP....I am allowed to keep these grape vines.

such a BAD DAY...I rearranged the row of Frontenac grapes and now have
Frontenac Gris at one end of the row...and a friend will now be getting
some Frontenac grapes.

Life remains good!!!!!
Actually, I think you got the better variety with the Frontenac Gris. They really do make a very nice wine. The Edelweiss also does, but the Front Gris is really highly rated and cold hardy to boot. If yours don't come for some reason, let me know, I would have a few extra for you later as living plants or bare root next spring. I planted 100 Edelweiss cuttings in the zipsets(along with 1400 others kinds). I'm hoping they root well. So far a few are rooting and quite a few are well calloused so they will root soon. Lots of them are pushing buds and some have leaves.
Are Frontenac and Frontenac Gris one in the same? Edited by: Joan
The Frontenac Gris is a slight mutation of the original Frontenac. It makes a white wine and is a grayish color instead of blue when ripe. It also has slightly different flavors. It grows identical to the normal Frontenac.
Buds??? Leaves??? What are those things????

I do see buds on the younger vines...just barely pushing out.
The older vines are scary...did I prune off all the live growth????
If I look real hard I do see little bud break...but I have to look hard.

Actually...we had a rather nice day today...but the wind is brutal...however it is drying off the fields and Jim is out there...spreading fertilizer and field cultivating...tomorrow....he plants wheat...finally!!!

Meanwhile...back at the Ranch...I planted out my new vines...dug out some older rooted vine cuttings/plants and potted them for friends....planted the horseradish and Elderberries...sprayed RoundUp for the proposed hedge of fruiting bushes that will be coming from the County....Sprayed bed edges....Moved roses...etc....

Life is extremely Good!!!!
Do you plant any winter wheat or do you have to stick to spring wheat? Around here the little that goes in is winter.
This is Jim's first year to plant wheat, usually just corn and soybeans...this will be is spring wheat.....
Some fellows are planting winter wheat around here now.....that sure is pretty right now...nice and green....the deer love it. So, we might be in a 3 way rotation...wheat/corn/soybeans....someday it might will be a 4 way rotation...corn/soybeans/wheat/Mexico.

Joan, do you guys do winter wheat on your land???
Your poor vines are still suffering after all those late snows and cold weather.Hopefully your vines will come around with a bit more time and begin their yearly performance.

The wheat should do well in you rotation and the price certainly is a lot better than it was- all grains are. My nephew says that their grain bin at the brewery used to take $4000 to fill, now it is $20000- five times as much. The research farm where we have our vineyard trial conducts research mainly with grains and such. They study Organic Wheat production as part of a crop rotation. It looks funny to see all these little chunks of different crops all over the fields marked with little flags.

I like your 4 way rotation plan. That sounds like a good one to me!