Very Fast Fermentation

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May 11, 2011
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I'm new to winemaking and for my first attempt I chose a WE Selection International Argentine Malbec. All my equipment is new and was cleaned with PBW and sanitized with star-san. The temperature in my house stays at 77 degrees and I'm told (from the kit supplier) that this was and ideal temperature for red wine. After cleaning and sanitizing, I mixed the ingredients and checked the sg - it was 1.092. I left if for 5 days and the fermentation was very active. The temperature reached 82 degrees then went down to 77 degrees. After five days, the sg was right about 1.000 so I rached it into secondary fermentation. After only two days in secondary fermentation the temperature dropped to 73 degrees and the sg was .0994. I'm a little concerned because the wine fermented so quickly. Should I not be concerned and just start the stabilising and clearing process or is there something else I should do?
You can start the next phase. Nothing to be concerned as this is completely normal. What they state in their instructions is a general time frame, mother nature does what she wants when she wants!!!
I must have made 40 kits over the past 2 1/2 years and have seen fermentation
times vary a lot, for a week to a month or more and they all turned out fine.
My last batch of 2 reds and 1 white all started on the same day in the same room and the reds each took 12 days and the white took 23 days. This seemed backwards from previous batches when the whites always seemed to be quicker than reds. They all finished just fine though......... I generally just leave them
all for at least 3 weeks before I even look at them. (set it and forget it)
I'm on my 4th batch of wine since starting this hobby and each batch has completed fermentation in about 7 days. It really don't take a month to ferment like they say but more so for clarifying and letting sediment settle out. once you stabilize , myself anyway you can start drinking if you want. More time will produce better flavor but its always drinkable.
Thanks for the responses. I've moved on to the clarifying stage and plan to let it sit for at least two weeks before I sample it again.