Vacation Getaway ?

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Just a suggestion ... Washington DC is amazing. The Smithsonian's are all free. The Metro gets you from place to place with a very low fee. Lots to do... Lots to see... Just avoid all of the politicians! :)
Hey, If you guys like, Perhaps I could meet up with you too. My BIL lives in Culpepper, Va, just 90 minutes from DC

Any time. You may practically drive by my place on your way. Would love to meet up and/or do a swap.
Sounds like FUN !!

We are actually meeting some people from this forum on this trip down to the St Louis area. It is really a pleasure to be able to meet someone - face to face after chatting on this forum for some time now.
thanks Craig
We really had a wonderful time with you both !
Thank you for all the hospitality that you offered us like we were family.

It is always nice to actually meet someone in person that you know from the forum.

We are at one of the coolest bed and breakfast in Missouri. Looking forward to visiting some of the nearby wineries
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We had a great time near New Haven Mo - we had great food and saw alot of wineries in the nearby area -

Some actually gave us personal tours as others were more commercial tours - The one thing we decided was not to do the dedicated weekend tour. It was a good thing,because during the week we were able to get alot more personable with the owners and the tours as well.

I have some great pics that I will post soon !