UV light

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8 year veteran
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
West MI
Hey Everyone, I've got quite a bit of available space in my basement for wine making activities. The basement is however a walkout with all kinds of natural light. There are blinds on the windows but obviously it's nice to have the blinds up and occasionally the windows open. I was thinking of adding some UV blocking film to the glass. Just wondered what thoughts folks might have. Perhaps the question is better asked how much light is too much light? Thanks for your help, this is a really enjoyable forum.

Hey BC, the most important thing is to keep the direct sunlight off the wine. Not only would the sunlight be bad but the fluctuation in temperature would not be favorable.
I have much the same set up.

For me, there is not much to worry about. The demijohns that I have are green and come with a plastic "hood" to shade the light. The SSVC tanks also have no "windows" so the wine is safe from light also.

I would suggest making "hoods" out of sheets or some other cloth (assuming that you are using clear carboys).
It really is simple. I keep the boxes in which the carboys are shipped, cut a hole in the bottom of the box for clearance for the airlock and invert the box over the carboy. Works great and no additional invenstment required.
" invenstment"? Rocky, have you been sampling again? :)
I use old dark t-shirts myself. And a plastic clip to the shirt around the neck of the carboy.
I've done some research and found out that cotton fabrics offer only an spf of about 10-15. I'm not sure if this relates to too high of an UV index for the wine. On the other hand if folks are getting good results with fabric who am I to suggest doing otherwise.