Unused carboy and primary

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Sep 15, 2011
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I have seen a lot of people say they leave their carboys full when not in use. It seems like a good idea.

After burning through ten pounds of k-meta I think I might be missing something. Do you make the solution full strength or a weaker version?

Would a full strength solution only about 2 inches in the bottom work? It would be almost like a cork-a-dor for the carboy.
I just put about 1 inch of K-meta solution in the carboy when not in use. No need to fill it up as the gas emitted is what does the sanitizing.
I don't leave mine full.

For carboys, I pour a couple of ounces of solution in and put a paper towel stopper in the top.

For primaries, I spritz a few times on the inside and lay the lid on the top.

The fumes from kmeta solutions do the antimicrobial work.

Better plan: Keep the carboys full of wine!
Personally I leave the carboys and primaries empty when not in use. I turn a carboy upside down in a primary for a while to drain fully. The primaries are easy to dry fully with a towel. Both are cleaned and rinsed well after use.

Leave them empty

I leave all of my carboys empty till it is time to get ready for a new batch then I will sanitize them the day before use. I have never had a problem doing this. I do how ever rinse and sanitize before i store them.
water gives life, dryness takes it away, storing carboys with water in it is inviting bugs to eventually survive, if its dry there is nothing for them to live in, we wash ours clean, give them a light acid wash and drip dry, stuff a paper towel in the bung and store them forever without the least worry something might grow when the KMeta looses its strength
I leave mine empty. its easy to sanitize when needed
I store with a cup of sanitizer and airlock on it. But mine dont it very long before they have something in them again as im constantly racking something into one anither or filling them with something new.
I don't have enough carboys, and only 1 primary that gets a wash and than right back in use. I just started this hobby but I am having a blast.
I take my spray bottle full of sulfites and pump 10 squirts then quickly cover the top with a ziplock bag and a rubber band. This will make a good air-tight seal.