Two new wines going

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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
I started my blueberry melomel and strawberry kiwi yesterday and added
the yeast today. the straw-kiwi is bubbling already and the melomel is

The straws starting SG was 1.092 and the melomel was 1.098.

Edited by: wadewade
I'm sorry I dont have a camara and cant afford one for awhile. I went
out on workmans comp in Feb. due to back injury at work and was out for
3 1/2 months with 2 bulging disks. Workman's comp doesnt pay anywhere
near what I was making and it set me way back. I'm still about a month
behind in our mortgage.
When I finally get caught up I will buy a camara and start posting pictures.

I feel for ya, I went throught te same thing a few years ago. Workmans comp will kill ya if you don't have other insurance, Like Aflac or something similar.

You strawberry / Kiwi sounds good. Can you post a recipe? I might try a gallon of it. I made a gallon of strawberry last year and it was a nightmere to get clear. But I'd be willing to try that again.Edited by: jobe05
My Strawberry-Kiwi Recipe(Beware haven't checked acid yet so acid blend may have to be adjusted)

Makes one gallon.</span>


<t></t><t></t><t></t><t></t><table ="MsonormalTable" style="width: 469px; height: 217px;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">

<t><tr style="">
<td style="padding: 0.75pt;">
3 lbs. Strawberries diced up



<td style="padding: 0.75pt;">
1 1/2 lbs Kiwi skinned and cored</span>

7 Pints Water</span></span>

<tr style="">
<td style="padding: 0.75pt;">
2 1/4 lbs. Sugar</span></span>
<td style="padding: 0.75pt;">
1 1/4 tsp Acid Blend</span></span>
<tr style="">
<td style="padding: 0.75pt;">
1/8 tsp liquid Pectic Enzyme</span></span>
<td style="padding: 0.75pt;">
1 1/4 Campden, crushed</span>
<tr style="">
<td style="padding: 0.75pt;">
1 Pkg Wine Yeast</span></span>
<td style="padding: 0.75pt;">
1 1/4 tsp Yeast Nutrient </span>
1 tsp. Tannin</span>
1 1/4 tsp.Yeast Energizer



Starting S.G. - 1.090-1.095</span>

Place all fruit in nylon bag and squeeze to get as much juice out as
you can. Add water to 1 1/4 gallon and add all other ingredients and stir well. I like to add more of everything to
make sure I dont run short when racking to carboy as I did when I
made my pear wine. After 12 hours add pectic enzyme. After another 12
hours add yeast. I used Red Star Premier Cuvee.It works well for me


Edited by: wadewade
Thanks for posting that receipe. Is it an original? I'm very interested in getting some different meads going. They will be my first non-kit attempts.

btw - grew up in New Haven. I miss CT!
Sort of I used someones strawberry recipe and just added in kiwi. It is not a mead though.Only the blueberry is a mead.
oh yea... didn't read the receipe... just saw "melomel" in the original post. Hey... still sounds good though!
I would imagine the bluberries in Waldo's Recipe for Blueberry melomel
which I followed for my 1 gallon batch could be substituted with
strawberries and kiwi with some minor acid adjustments though.
They're both bubbling really good already after 12 hours and they smell
good. When I started them the kiwi smell took right over but now I can
smell the combination. I thought I was going to end up with kiwi wine
with strawberries non-existant.
That Strawberry-Kiwi recipe needs acid adjustment. lower it down to 3/4
tsp. and adjust from there. The recipe I used was fro just Strawberry
and they started with 1 tsp. and said they had to add 3/4 tsp. more.
I checked today and found it at .70 instead of the .55 -.65
were it is supposed to be. I will leave for now but may adjust later
depending upon what others will hopefully tell me. Ok everyone, Should
I be worried about this little bit or let it ride? Opinions Please.
I've never gone over. What will extra acidity taste like and or do to
my wine?
Racked Strawberry-Kiwi tonight ba 1.030. Not impressed with as of right
now. Either this ones going to take alot of time aging or it is not
very good. The blueberry mead is at 1.050. Probably two or three more
days to rack this one but I suggest anyone to make this one. This is
going to be a keeper and will be making this ver often.

I bottled the Strawberry-Kiwi and the Blueberry Melomel tonight. They
are both very good as of right now but will age to perfection. The
Strawberry Kiwi is on the left.
Wade, those look great. I was going to ask before and never did, but why did you use 1 1/4 Campden in this recipe?
For two reasons. 1 being that it seemed to be alot of fruit for one
tablet. 2 being that I always start my wines with extra so after I'm
done with the rackings I have a full carboy without topping off with
something foreign such as marbles or a different wine. If you look at
at of my other posts for different wines you will see some 750 or 375
size bottles with airlocks on them those are overflow used to top off
at final racking.
Wade, I do the same thing, but it never occured to me that I should add more campden. I think I will do this in the future. I guess I thougth the small amount would not matter. I like to have just a small amount left over for topping up with.
We have many little tasting sessions at my house, so we normally end up with about the right