Transplanting one-year old vines?

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Nov 30, 2021
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NE Wisconsin
Last spring I had two extra Petite Pearl vines so I planted them in a row with some table grapes. I’m planning next years vine planting & order and I want to move them to a different row. What would be the best time to transplant them, this fall after they are dormant or next spring right after I prune them? Or some other time?
Seems like 50% say Fall and 50% say Spring. I would tend to want to get them out sooner rather than later before they get even more established in the spot you want to move them from.
I'm in the Spring camp. I would want them completely dormant and get them moved when you get the most rain. We tend to have dry Fall weather and much more rain in early Spring. I think it notable that the nurseries ship dormant vines in the Spring.
As with all farming/gardening, you need to access your climate and act accordingly! Advice from other parts of the country may be of no value!

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