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Senior Member
Mar 31, 2013
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Does anyone know where I could get some training in a winery?
First, tell us where you are located. There are several winery operators on the site. If you are offering labor for training, I think someone may be interested.
Rocky said:
First, tell us where you are located. There are several winery operators on the site. If you are offering labor for training, I think someone may be interested.

I am in the Faroe Islands and I am ready to travel to whomever has the most intrestig offer.
And yes, I am offering labour for trainig.
Wow! The Faroe Islands! All the while, I am thinking you are in Kansas or something. I cannot advise but were I you, I would head for Italy and visit some wineries. Do you speak any Continental languages (other than Danish) like French, or perhaps German? You might be more comfortable in one of those Countries. I would recommend you try smaller wineries.
Wow! The Faroe Islands! All the while, I am thinking you are in Kansas or something. I cannot advise but were I you, I would head for Italy and visit some wineries. Do you speak any Continental languages (other than Danish) like French, or perhaps German? You might be more comfortable in one of those Countries. I would recommend you try smaller wineries.

Rocky, I think The Faroes are a hop and a skip from Britain but I am not sure what the relationship is between the islanders and the UK although I know there was in the 1940s (still is?) a British presence on the islands.
Rocky, I think The Faroes are a hop and a skip from Britain but I am not sure what the relationship is between the islanders and the UK although I know there was in the 1940s (still is?) a British presence on the islands.

Rocky is correct about Denmark, but that is not the most germane fact. The fact is that the UK produces essentially no wine. The UK ranks just ahead of Kyrgyzstan but behind Malta, Bosnia, Azerbaijan, etc.
Well the Faroe Islands are locadet close to UK and are a part of the danish kingdome.
I speak english and danish, some basic german. An english speaking winyard would be best.
Well the Faroe Islands are locadet close to UK and are a part of the danish kingdome.
I speak english and danish, some basic german. An english speaking winyard would be best.

Well, In that case, I think your best bet would be in the US of A. We have about 7500 wineries (and speak English!). Although I pointed out that the UK makes almost no wine, they do have about 400 (obviously very small) wineries. Canada has about 500, too. Australia has about 2000.
