WineXpert Too late to stir with a passion?

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Senior Member
Aug 2, 2006
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I started my first batch last night. Being slightly over whelmed and waiting for the temp to drop to under 77 deg C I forgot to stir the water (~1 gal) with the juice (~5g) with a passion. I just dumped it right in. This morn, after the temp was within range, I added (pitched?) the yeast and went to work. This evening as I was reading over the direction I noticed I missed stir with a passion between add the water and wait for it to come into the proper range. So, now that I have started the fermentation (I hope), is it to late to stir the must?
Wait about 48 hours to make a decision on it. If you do not see fermentation in 48 hours then give it a good stir and re-pitch the yeast. Once it is going you can always gently stir the must a time or two per day to ensure it is well mixed.

Go ahead and stir it, the first chance you get. You need to mix the juice with the water so the yeast will find all of the sugar. Don't be concerned about opening the fermenter. The yeast need the oxygen and will later produce your CO2 cap.
Did you check the SG? That should help give you an idea if it is properly mixed or not.
Thanks for the input. I stirred the yeast in this morning (about 36 hours after I pitched the yeast), it looked like a sheet of puffy paint laying on the surface. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>

I did check the SG during the preperation and it was in the required range. I don’t have the numbers in front of me but I seem to recall 1.086 was the reading. The potential alcohol was 12%. I “think” the range was 1.080 and 1.095. My fermentor has a spigot so I took the sample from there.<O:p></O:p>

The kits says wait about 10 days and the SG should be below 1.020 (again I am not 100% certain on this number) before beginning the second stage fermentation.

EDIT: Quick update. After I got home I checked the numbers above and they are correct. At the 48h mark the must has a fizzing sound, is reddish-brown, has a SG of 1.080 at 72 deg F, and tastes like carbonated juice - which I guess it is 8O).

Thanks for the feedback.Edited by: Coaster