Too acidic??

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Oct 25, 2010
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I started a new batch of wine using one #10 can of peach concentrate, 8# sugar, then filled with white grape juice to make 5 gallon in the primary. I added 5 tsp. of yeast nutrient and 5 tsp. of acid blend. I also added 5 camden tabs. Waited 2 days, then added one packet of yeast. It bubbled a very little bit in the air lock over the next couple days until it went completely flat. I added another packet of yeast with the same results. It is now totally none reactant. I think the must is too acidic, but do not have any litmus paper to check. My wine ingredient supplier is 100 miles away, but I will definetly be ordering litmus paper when I order more yeast, as I currently have none. My plan of action is to pour half of this mixture into another primary, add more peach concentrate to one, and more white grape juice to the other, and add more yeast to both to try and get things moving again, once I recieve my supplies in the mail. So guess my questions are:
1. Do you think the problem is too acidic?
2. Do you think my plan of action will work?

You need a acid test kit or ph meter and SoHo to be sure. If you have this in a carboy get it in a bucket. You may be starving it of air. Litmus paper is not as acurate and 5 teaspoons of acid blend is a lot. Did you follow a recipe?
What are you using as a primary? It needs air in the begining, just a towel over it or the lid just setting in it. Stir it at least once a day. What temp is it? My house is only 67 and I had trouble starting too. I warmed the primary to 73 and it took off like a rocket.
It is in a 6 gallon primary bucket, with the lid on and an air lock. As for a recipe, no, did not follow one as I could not find one that was a combo peach/white wine. I did stir the must daily. In the past, the yeast has taken off quickly after the first day or two. Not this one. I do plan on getting an acid test set. I have a ph test kit for the water in my koi pond, but it is based on the color of the water once the reactant is added, and since the wine is already a yellow, was not sure if I could get an accurate reading.
What was your starting sg? Too much sugar is not good for yeast too. What is the temp of the must?
You should also get a hydrometer to know what your starting sg is and when it is truly finished fermenting. It is the most important win e making tool you can get and one of the least expesive!
Well, got my acid kit and more yeast in the mail. Added 2 more packets of yeast right off the bat, not much action to speak of. Not even enough to bubble in the air-lock. Stirred daily, but there is a little something going on as I had some 'floaty' stuff on the surface. I just checked the acid content and I do believe this is the problem. It tested out at 1.0% and the kit recommends 0.75% for white grape and 0.60% for fruit wines. Called my supplier and they are sending me some Acidex Super K to bring the acid level down. I have baking soda, but am afraid of the resulting salt from adding it to the acidic wine; not sure how it will affect the taste of the end product. Could add water, but I like the taste of the full flavor juice. So guess I'll wait until I get the acidex in the mail next week and go from there. In the mean time, maybe what yeast I added will still be working a little on it. Have read a slow fermentation is preferable anyway.
Temperature is 76, hydrometer is sitting high in the fluid at a reading of .48.
I have no idea what this hydrometer reading means. But just having looked at a hydrometer, I'm going to guess that "sitting high" and .48 means an sg reading of 1.148. DAMN HIGH!!!

I suspect that you need to water down this concoction.

BTW, you need to learn how to read a hydrometer. The normal range is about .990 to 1.150.

Hi Steve, you are correct. I do need to learn to read a hydrometer. After your response, I looked at my hydrometer and must admit it is damn confusing. There are scales all over it. I would say for an experienced wine maker, it is a very useful one, but for a novice, fewer scales would make it easier to read. And after your suggestion, I looked again at the hydrometer and again, you are correct. It is 1.148 . I added some distilled water and that took it to 1.116 . I have also set the primary on the floor where the vent will be blowing on it, so that should help warm the must up some. Not sure if I should add more yeast, as it would probably just be a waist until I can add the acidex to bring the acidity down.
I think you need to check and learn more about the TA kit also. You sound like you have it backwards.
Hi Bob,
A misuse of wording. I should have said reduce the acid level by bringing the pH level up.
#1- I would say don't make anymore wine until you read up a bit on what ingredients do and how they inter-react with each other.

You probably should start with a recipe first, until you understand how things work.

Never blindly add sugar or acid blend, no matter what a recipe says. Fruits vary from year to year. With few exceptions... you don't need acid at all... until you are closer to bottling, then add to taste.

You can google winemaking, or go over to Jack Keller's winemaking page and read up on the basics of winemaking. You'll have fewer problems.

Throwing yeast into a bad mix, doesn't really help. Making a "starter" really helps get things going... you'll learn about that in the basics.

We like to help, but it's really hard if you don't have an idea what we are telling you. We don't like to see failure on a first batch... it should be fun and relaxing...

Keep the faith, and do some reading over the weekend. Read everything you can get your eyes on!
It really helps to understand the basic process.

Like Deb said, make a starter. Get a couple of cups of warm water, add a little sugar, if you have it some yeast nutrient and some energizer. Not a lot, of either, just a little. Pitch the yeast in. When it starts good, add a cup of your must. Wait a few hours, another cup of must.
Wait again and add another cup. When everything is going good, pitch it into your must. Should take off. Try and have the must over 70 degrees. If you have your primary on a concrete floor, put a board or piece of carpet or cardboard under it to insulate it. Good luck, Arne
I am really confused on your acid reading from what I hear you saying you are to low. You need acid not reduce it.
1.0 acid reading is high... most wines taste best between 0.6-0.8.... depending on style and your preference.

Be careful not to confuse acid with Ph... they are opposite in their numbers being high or low.

Thanks for all the good advice. I will check on amazon for a good beginners wine book, my supplier has few to choose from when I checked thier site.
The must is working, bubbling in the air lock now. I do plan on adding the acidex when it arrives to bring the pH up, ie, neutralize some of the acid. This is the 5th 5 gallon batch I've made, the others did fine; guess I got a little too confident in my ability. I did have a "general" guideline I was going by, but it was for specific wines, not a combination like this one and got a bit sloppy with the acid blend. I do need a good book to study up with. Thanks to all that responded. The starter is definetly a good way of doing it rather than 'pitching' it in. Sounds like base ball:D
You don't NEED a book...

go on over to Jack Keller's winemaking page... lots of tutorials there.

Just don't get discouraged...

Keep making wine... it gets better!!

nope you dont need a book I am just surprised not all get the math right when they see 10.
I just started making wine myself and the biggest advice I can give anyone starting out is read,read and read some more. Jack kellers site is very good also read alot of these forums. I picked up alot of usefull bits by reading about others problems