Sweetening apple wine

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Oct 24, 2008
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I have a batch of apple wine currently in the clearing stage. I think I would like to swetten it as it is some what dry/bitter. I have some honey from my fathers bee hives. Has anyone tried sweetening wine with honey? Feeback? Also, how should it be added to the wine i.e. boil with water or a small sample of the wine then added to the batch?

Thanks in advance!Edited by: yankeewinemaker
Paul, Ive never added honey after a wine was clear so I cant say if it will cloud it up all over again or not. I have though sweetened a wine with honey and I have heard both boiling and not boiling and chose to go with not boiling. I did however heat it up in a plastic jar that was in very hot water to liquefy it so that it was much easier to stir in well. Honey in itself is anti bacterial so I dont believe that boiling it has anything to do with that. I think it was boiled so that some king=d of scum would float to the top but have heard that you lose a lot of aroma that way also.
What ever you decide to sweeten with, be sure to add Potassium Sorbate too and let it sit in the carboy for awhile to see if it starts fermenting again.

Just my 2¢....
Northern Winos said:
What ever you decide to sweeten with, be sure to add Potassium Sorbate too and let it sit in the carboy for awhile to see if it starts fermenting again.

Just my 2¢....

I second that NW. I guess that makes the comment worth 4 ¢ now.

By the way NW, after all these years of using the computer, I still don't know what key combination to use for cents! Will you share the secret?
Edit: I found the character map under system tools! Yeah
Now I can even use £.Edited by: appleman
It is under the Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Character Map.
It has all kinds of characters you can copy and gives you the alt-combination to use if you prefer.
Now I can even say it is 37˚ outside!

Edited by: appleman
It's 55° here...Headed for a high of near 70°...

I like this way much better....Thanks!!!!

BTW...our fine weather is headed East towards you...will be replaced with cold rainy days...Thanks to the Pacific storm.

Edit...Put a Shortcut to the Character Map on my Desktop ....

Edited by: Northern Winos

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