RJ Spagnols Super Tuscan with grape pack

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Jim, I wish I had made more. It is such a full bodied wine, great color and taste. I am definitely going to do this kit again. And from what Wade says, I have to try the EP Amarone!
The EP Amarone comes with both a grape pack and a raisin pack and you use both!
I have made approx 70 kits over the past 3 years, starting with the Grand Cru, then to the Cru Select for reds and today I picked up my first Winery Series and chose the Super Tuscan based on all the very positive feedback on forums such as this one. Will hopefully get this one started today and start to enjoy it around christmas time 2012 and after............ currently have all 8 carboys full of reds and not enough empty bottles so the ageing process is somewhat forced on me :)
currently have all 8 carboys full of reds and not enough empty bottles so the ageing process is somewhat forced on me :)

...or you could start drinking the wine! It would be a small price to pay for making more wine.

I did purchase another Winery Series Super Tuscan and an Amarone. I have not started either one but will this weekend or early next week.
I put my second RJS Winery Series Super Tuscan today. It looks great, SG = 1.100 and it could go up slightly after the effect of the grape pack is fully incorporated. This is a great kit for someone looking for a hearty red wine.
Hey Rocky,
I was wondering what kind of grapes are in this wine? What exactly is in a super tuscan? It sounds interesting and I might have to try this kit. ( unfortunatly I believe it is out of stock right now)
Bruce, I can't find in the literature or in the package any indication of what varieties are used. It is definitely a blend of several varieties and a good guess at two would be Sangiovese and Canaiolo Nero. The skins included with the pack are Merlot and Merlot is grown all over Italy so I would guess that is also included in the juice.
lieu said:
Hey Rocky,

I was wondering what kind of grapes are in this wine? What exactly is in a super tuscan? It sounds interesting and I might have to try this kit. ( unfortunatly I believe it is out of stock right now)

Cab, merlot, sangiovese; sometimes others are included for structure. One of my favorites.
I am sure you will not be disappointed, Bruce. It is really a great wine.

BTW, I just checked the "life signs" this morning and the SG is now up to 1.110, ambient temp is 74 degrees F and wine temp is 76 degrees F. This is goingto be BIG.
lieu said:
70 kits in 3 years. WOW VERY NICE.

I have kits 21 & 22 for 2011 just starting.
Winery series Super Tuscan and OB Strawberry Reisling.
I scored 7 cases of empties from a local restaurant yesterday so im going to bottle a couple of batches tonight. A Cru select Amerone and Aus Shiraz, they have been sitting in the carboy around 70 days now and I need the carboys.
Started my Super Tuscan on Jun 25, today I transferred to a carboy as it was almost down to 1.00 (8 days)....... still slowly bubbling.
I did not use the bag for the grapeskins............ man what a pain in the keester to rack over to the carboy !!
always plugging the siphon.
Looks and smells like this is going to be an awesome wine
Al, I know what you mean about the grape skins loose vs. in the bag. I used to do them loose, trying to be a traditionalist, but I am a firm convert to the bag. Makes racking so much easier and wringing out the bag to get all the juice is much easier than trying to press loose skins.
Ive made them both ways and cant taste any difference or see any difference in color extraction so I choose to do it the easy way!!!!!!!
Wade said:
Ive made them both ways and cant taste any difference or see any difference in color extraction so I choose to do it the easy way!!!!!!!
+1, Wade. I made a double batch of Red Mountain Cab in March and did a side by side test, one with skins loose and the other using the supplied muslin bag. On day 60 I compared flavor before combining the 2 to put in a barrel and they tasted identical. No more loose skins hassle for me.
I agree about the grape skins. Just too much of a mess to leave them loose. Same issue with the oak chips.

When you think about a fresh red grape fermentation, you have lots and lots of "grape skins" loose, but you don't rack it though a siphon, you pour it into a press.
When we made wine from grapes, we let the wine run out of the fermenter through a spigot and into a barrel. The grape skins (mostly floating on top) were scooped out with a large strainer and put into the press. Most important was to segregate the wine that flowed out of the fermenter and from the press without applying pressure from the wine that was pressed out of the grapes. The free flow wine was for "family and good friends," the pressed wine was for everyone else.
This is the first red kit where the instructions state to add 2 packages of sorbate ???Cru select etc only have 1.
My plan is actually not to add any as I wont be sweetening.
Im guessing this is because some kits in this line (syrah) may finish slightly above 1.00 and have the risk of fermenting in the bottle.
Where does the Super Tuscan generally finish ??
Does anyone else here leave out the sorbate and clearing agents on this line of kit ?