Sugar Prefermentation

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Senior Member
Dec 18, 2011
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I am about to try some grapefruit wine. this is my first batch im making from juice i squeeze myself. the recipe calls for 6 lbs sugar prefermentation. do i ad this granulated or should i make a simple syrup with it??
You can add it either way, but the simple sugar works best. Also easiest to stir in, you don't have to try and get it to disolve in the must that way. If you have a hydrometer, you can tell approx. how much alcohol you are going to have by the specific gravity reading you can get. If you don't have a hydrometer, you should think about getting one. It lets you keep track of what is going on with your winemaking. Arne.
Definitely use a simple syrup with this 1!! This will be a very acidic must and your yeast is going to have a hard time with it and having to convert the sugar over also will really be pushing the yeast and it may stress out. If I were you I would make a good starter yeast for this batch or any other wine that is highly acidic like Skeeter Pee. Also, dont add sugar blindly by going by a recipe! Use your hydrometer and maybe ad 1/2 the amount and then adjust up as you dont want to overshoot a starting sg of about 1.085 - 1.095 especially on a fruit wine. Too high an abv will hide too much flavor.
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