SEO. Take the airlock off all of them! This is a discussion we have had many times in here, during the primary fermentation, you don't need an airlock. Some may disagree with me, but I personally have always fermented in an open "vessel" the SO2 will take care of the oxidation, "FOR A WHILE". I think it was Wade that convinced me to rack into the secondary around 1.010 or so.
What can you do? Wipe up the mess and wait till it is time to transfer. During this primary stage, yeast really likes oxegen to do its thing. Your cider will be fine, but allow it to do it's thing.
Some store, or person in your neighborhood must have a 5-7 gallon food grade bucket you could just combine everything in, and let it do it's thing without worry. get 2 gallon buckets. Or, maybe your local store has 3 gallon water jugs (like for water coolers?) for a few dollars. They have narrow necks, but 1 gallon of must in a 3 gallon carboy will give you plenty of room for the 1st fermenters.That would be okay... but in each batch we tried something a little different. The first gallon was unprocessed apple juice (not cider per se) and we just added some turbinado, yeast nutrient, and the yeast. It's our 'control.' The others have mulling spices and honey and one of them is the same type of juice as the first and one is actual cider proper.
Stupid question, and I may have missed something, but if you are making hard cider, and not wine, why the sugar?That would be okay... but in each batch we tried something a little different. The first gallon was unprocessed apple juice (not cider per se) and we just added some turbinado, yeast nutrient, and the yeast. It's our 'control.' ...
Since I'm dealing with apples, and not starting with commercial juice, the recipes I've checked don't suggest adding sugar if you're making cider, and not wine. I'm hoping for an SG around 1.060 with the raw juice. THEN, if it's not around there, I'll have to add sugar to raise the SG.Because when we were looking up recipes others put sugar in it