stopping fermentation

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doesn't adding the 2 p's stop fermentation? i did read about using less tolerant yeasts to get a certain ac. question on back sweetening: do you dissolve the sugar in a bit of water or wine? or pour it straight in? my experience with sugar is that it doesn't readily dissolve at room temp.

Simple syrup is probably the favorite method to backsweeten. 2 parts sugar to 1 part water, heat slowely until it all dissolves and is clear. Don't boil it, and let it cool before adding to taste.
ok, so if i don't want a wine that tastes like wine, but more like juice with a decent alchohol content, what way do i go? do i buy vodka and mix it with juice? btw, i'm aware of re-introducing yeast to the mix to bring up the alchohol, but will this make things better or worse? also, i'd like to get some of the original taste juice taste back. do i pour off some of the 'product' and refill with juice or top off with juice? will this get the flavor i'm looking for?
nBuy juice and vodka and our it over ice
If you have not boiled the hole thing you can either finish it out and back sweeten or get something to stop the fermentation were it is.
I hate to tell you guys but until the other day this newest post on here is over a year old.
not a problem, knowledge is good. i haven't kept up on any developments in winemaking, so if someone has figured out how to stop a fermentation it could have some use. i've made a few more palatable wines, had more failures, but it's all learning.
there is only one way to stop a fermentation and guarantee no re ferment. You need to use a Pearson Square and use a very strong distilled spirit you need to do the math by following your ferment and at the proper sugar level you fortify the wine with the proper amount of distilled spirit making a ABV of 20 - 22% Then there is too much alcohol for ferment to take place. Stopping ferment is a very difficult project you risk creating bottle bombs not a good thing.