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Waldo, I'm with you..
I did bottles today and what a job.....had to clean bottles that were never rinsed out and delabeled.

I just can't seem to get my house work done for having so much fun with the stuff I love to do.

I was working 1/2 and 1/2. I put my saw outside and did all my cutting
outside as I was framing the wine area today while the kids were
running and playing in the yard. Supposed to be nice again tommorow so
Ill probably do the same.
Edited by: wade
I finally got some of my plants in their permanant resting spots.

I planted 7 vines, 2 peach trees, 2 plum trees and 3 elderberries, 2 of which were what I got from Marge. Put weed cloth down on all and put 6 bails of pine needle mulch down around them.

Then I picked up the mess of dead twigs and branches from around the yard that came with the horrible winds that we had for 2 days last week. Now all cleaned up and mowed. Tomorow, the front yard.
Such a boring crowd.

And "they" say Americans have become soft. Must be a different set of Americans than my wine makers!
Thats right George, we dont have time to slack off with this hobby.
We're either working our a#$es off to buy more wine or trying to catch
up on yard work because weve been hiding in a room with our fermenters
or building rooms for our wines.
Yeah, way down in SOUTHERN Minnesota! We're not quite that far along yet. But it was a beautiful day here! I got to hang out laundry!!!
We got 2 kits bottled, 1 started, and a few more racked. And, I managed to give Poor Bert a haircut. He was starting to look like an old bum, but now he looks like the young, handsome man I married.
I worked all weekend, but it was nice, usually these are a sign its time for me to start getting the lawn in shape, when the wife asked if I was going to pull all those weeds, I said, now you just hold on there, we don't wanna rush into this....
, headed to South Dakota for work Mon and Tues, hope theres a yard full of them when I get back !

With this post, I saw my status change from Groupie Member , to Senior, Guess now I qualify for the FVW AARP card!
Jw, as I was cutting some lumber outside I noticed that I have some
dandies myself and will start my accumulation tommorow or Tuesday. Only
a few but thats how it starts right.

K....what I found out in my garden today...


Now we will be really living off the land.....White Asparagus...the food of Kings!!!!
I just had asparugus tonight to but never heard of white, albino? Does it have pink eyes?

A sure sign Spring is here!

SO I assume its the yellow flower part u pick for wine or is it the whole plant including flower stem and greens?? Anyone help me out on this?
wade said:
I just had asparugus tonight to but never heard of white, albino? Does it have pink eyes?
It's been denied sunlight, that is why it is white. Probably under mulch. The English are big on it. Meal for a king and all. This princess has no problem with eating it green.
That's right it is heavily mulched....6 inches of fresh compost this spring and a new layer of straw....then you have to look for it when it is just peeking out....It is much milder in flavor... Edited by: Northern Winos
i dont like green eggs and ham nor any kind of asparugus green
white or pink but i do relize lots of ppl do so to each
there own. cute stalk rgecaprock.
I plowed under 1000 feet of asparaguslast year to open up more room for wine grapes. Besides it's a PITA to pick every other day this time of year just to give away. Don't worry, I have another 1000 feet of Asparagus rows I share with the family. Anybody who wants it goes and picks it if it's there at the time. I figure I can get all I need there between relatives grazing.
Appleman.....do you have a truck garden ...or...sell all your veggies and apples that you plant???? I have enough planting just for us.

We love asparagus...it's the first fresh stuff out of the garden....I hope to get enough to pickle some this year....but the neighbors kind of hint at wanting some....so some gets given away before I can get to pickle any.

Here's how it looks today...all tucked in...

The spinach and radishes are up under the little tent and I just set out some lettuce plants under another tent....


Yesterday I thinned out the strawberries and made 2 more rows....love that strawberry wine, and hopefully next year will have a good crop for a couple batches of wine.....I had been picking at a friends abandoned U-Pick patch...now Ihope tohave my own...
NW, No I don't have a truck garden- anymore. When I planted the asparagus and apples and so on I did have a truck garden. I played around in produce to supplement the family income. I did this after signing over the family business I began in 1974 to my younger brother. He is the one with the greenhouses. I started the farm in 1974 with no money, no machinary and no customers. When I gave it up, it had grown to 60 acres vegetables, greenhouses, dairy cattle and 1000 apple trees and sales of a quarter million a year. Unfortunately, the farm would never be my own as my family thought my younger brother should have it (even if all the business I developed). I really did love farming and fed thousands for years. Now I provide housing for hundreds through the house plans I draft for homebuilders. I will never be rich with money or possesions, but will be rich through the knowledge I helped my fellow man.