Something is growing in my carboy along with the wine

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May 26, 2011
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I am making my second batch of Riesling from a kit. First batch went great. I am on my last racking and topped off this one with a bottle from my last batch. I haven't looked at it for several days. Today there is definitely something icky growing in there. Honestly, it kind of looks like brown brains and is at the top in the neck. There isn't any of the usual sediment on the bottom. I am assuming this one is a lost cause but any idea of what I did wrong so I don't make this mistake again?
We really need a pic to see if its normal or not. You probably cant post a pic as you are brand new here and due to spam we have limitations on newbies for that reason. Ill send you a personal message for you to email me a pic so I can post it up.
Here are he pics that Amber sent me. In that 3rd pic is there something in there with your wine, it looks like a ring of some sort? The stuff on the sides of the carboy near the bottom are complete normal and to get it to fall down to the bottom give the carboy a few hard twists a few times. As for the top It loks to me like you beat the wine up to much while trying to degas and also use the fining agent which made some serious foam and now all that sediment is stuck at the top. This is why they state to add it and stir gently. I think you are going to have to stir the top gently to get hat to fall in and down. It does look like there is something in there.

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The last picture - there isn't anything there that is the imprint of the bottom of my bung. Are you saying this is ok and I just need to stir it all up to make that settle to the bottom? I wanted to throw the whole thing out before it infected all the rest...
What if I scooped all of that junk out?

I have a stir stick that I attach to a drill and I am one of those who follow the directions to a T. If it tells me to stir for 2 minutes or 2 days I do it...

I just don't want to poison anyone!
Hi Amber,

Welcome to winemakingtalk. I agree with Wade, that does look like your wine foamed up. Stir it gently and the wine will be ok.

You are not going to poison anyone. If the wine had gone bad you would know by the smell. When it come to winemaking don't be too quick to dump it, wine is a lot tougher than you think and will not spoil easy.
So, I scooped the gunk out. Looked like a sponge and felt rubbery. Then I racked into another container. Looks good now, I am hoping for the best! Thanks, I would have thrown it out for sure.

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