Cellar Craft Slow Fermentation---Help!

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Senior Member
Sep 21, 2012
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I am making a Cellar Craft Johannisberg Riesling. It is a 12l kit and I started it on 5/7/2013. My starting SG was 1.086. The temp has been between 70F & 73F. It took about 48/ hrs to start and when it did start I saw a very thick foam on top. Almost like shaving cream! So I have been stirring once a day the Temp has remained in the low 70's. The thick foam has subsided but it is still bubbling away. Today my SG was 1.078 so it is still fermenting but it is so slow. I am new to this having made less that 5 kits, but at this temp shouldn't the fermentation be a little faster? Am I worried about my baby for nothing? Is there anything I should do? Should I go get some yeast nutrient? Or does sometimes it just bees that was?:slp Thanks for your help!
I dont even take a reading till 5 days after starting to ferment so I can't really say if your reading is normal or not. I can say that it goes fast at the end, dropping about 20 points a day. Check it again in a couple days and let us know

Thanks for the advice, it did ferment just fine and is now at .998:br

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