Since were doing the yard thing!

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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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I snapped a few since everyone one has been on a kick of showing each other their humble abodes.

Wade, I love your setting, woods in the back VS Neighbors would be a dream come true for me..... Someday


I see 2 problems......................

1 - No dandelions......... Grass is too damn neat and you trim............... You would not want to be my neighbor. If weed killer can't get it, it won!

2 - In the second picture, you could have a trellis with several vines going from that big tree to the road.................. I know it may not get all the sun it would want, but it's a vine.

By the way, thats the same truck that I have. Mines red.Edited by: jobe05
Nice neat green yard there Wade. You guys must have been getting some rains there to make it green up like that. I agree with jobe, you have room for a few vines there, but you would have to lay of the lawn fertilizer with weed killer(2-4D) wince the vines are susceptibe to the vapors even hundreds of feet away or more.
Oh man, I dont know if thats poissible for me, as you noticed Im kind
of a lawn freak and cant control the erge to deweed and fertilize.
Very neat and trim........You sure keep it neat and green.

We are all dried out already...they way it's looking so far....If we don't water it's going to die
Jobe 1 of my neighbors that is 75 years old has made trails through the
woods out of wood chips and has planted flowers all around the trails
with an opening cut in their with a few benches and a ton of flowers
and a little stream runs back their with a bridge that me and him built
the first year I moved in 6 years ago. The lawn was shot as an old man
lived here that was unable to care for himself and anything else was
abandoned. It took 4 years before I was able to turn this yard that was
basically sand from having no grass to what it is now so this is the
2nd year that I have a nice yard and Im not about to let weeds take
over again. So I guess vines are out of the question then if thats what
you guys are saying!
I also water the lawn when it hasnt rained in 3 days.
Edited by: wade
You have some other options. Use your weed and feed in the fall after it gets a little colder. As long as you can get the particles to stick to the weeds leaves (do it when the weeds are wet) you'll get good control and there is way less chance of harming the vines. Stay pretty far from the vines.

Very nice place wade...I am struggling trying to get all my grass to die off so I can retire my mower and just plat the whole damn yard in Muscadines, Elderberries, Currants, Blueberries, etc, etc,
appleman said:
Waldo, they make Roundup for just such purposes

And I'm their best customer. I must go through about 5 gallons of that stuff in a season. Between home and three different offices I can kill a bunch of weeds........ plants........ trees........ grass.........