shelf life of common ingredients

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Senior Member
May 26, 2012
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Could someone post the shelf life of all the common ingredients like:
Pectic Enzyme
And any others your can think of.
Iw would like to start marking mine and I'm sure others would find it useful.
If you use liquid pectic enzyme keep if refrigerated. You potassium sorbate will last upto a year if kept cool and dry. All others will last if kept dry.
Greg, either or is fine, once opened, MLB is said not to last (I've used a larger packet over the course of 2 months kept in the freezer between uses and I had no problems)
Guys and Gals, not to rain on anyone's parade, but I think it is largely a "crap shoot." You can be sure how long you have had the chemicals and how you store them, but what of the retailer and the wholesaler? Depending on where you shop, how old their stock is and how they store it, some of that stuff could be old enough to vote by the time you buy it.
some of that stuff could be old enough to vote by the time you buy it.

LMFAO, I agree, I've seen these same chemicals covered in dust sitting on shelves... I don't think they expire as fast as some believe, however, I think playing it safe is much smarter.
Very true, but its still nice to know the shelf life because nobody wants to drive to the lhbs/order more supplies if they don't have to. For example, If I knew nutrient would last forever, I would stock up since its really not that expensive, yet if it lasted only a month I wouldn't ever buy more than I know I would use. Ya know
Mine come packaged in smaller bags. In planning my wine work room I am starting to place my chems in a small mason jar to help preserve them.
What works for me is to re-package the chemicals in prescription vials and to buy only from retailers who have a steady business resulting in frequent inventory turnover. There are a couple of local suppliers in the area which I do not use because the stuff looks like it has been there forever. The only thing I buy in any appreciable quantity is K-meta (1 lb. bag). Everything else is bought in small quantities ad hoc. I look at the few cents in saving as a risk/reward proposition and I don't feel it is worth risking a batch of wine to save a few pennies.